Everyone has goals. Small goals, big goals. Personal goals, team goals. Coming up with goals is easy; decide on one thing you would like to change or improve, and voila! You have yourself a goal.
People over-think goals. It really isn't that deep. Not all goals have to be ground-breaking or life-changing.
Ok, so you get it. Now I'll move onto the main topic: motivation.
I feel like the most common thing that comes to mind about motivation is this constant drive that only select people are lucky enough to have. This is not the case.
Ever heard the phrase "mind over matter"? Not one person on this Earth is motivated every single day. Even Donald Trump doesn't feel like doing the most important job sometimes.
When the motivation lacks, it is up to you to decide mentally that you are determined. It's kind of a mind game, but no one ever did anything great outside of their comfort zone.
Goals are achieved when you surpass what you think you are capable of. Take advantage of the opportunities that stand before you. And if things seem impossible, remind yourself that you're fully capable.
However, there is a difference between motivation and over-doing it. It is important to differentiate.
Feeling unmotivated is completely different than feeling tired and disinterested. Consistency is key, as they say, but it is also important to rest and give your attention to other aspects of your life. Too much of anything is bad.
Overall, my point is that the word "motivation" is commonly misinterpreted. Motivation is an important factor in achieving goals, but not always present. It is up to you to remind yourself of the end goal, but also remember that it not only about the end but the journey, too.