If you have ever lost someone you love let me start by saying, I am sorry for your loss. I know it is hard and I wish I could say it gets easier but sometimes it does not. That is the thing no one tells you, everyone tells you things get better or easier, and they will eventually but only because you will learn to cope with the pain you feel every day.
You will still wake up some days feeling empty, like a part of you is missing, because it is. That feeling does not ever go away, some days it will be worse than others. Some days you will be overwhelmed with sadness and will not want to get out of bed, others you will not feel as sad and you might even enjoy what you are doing but sometimes it will not last long, because you will want them to be there experiencing it with you.
The pain never really stops, it never really goes away, you just learn to live with the pain and the sadness. Then there will be days you will feel guilty because you think for a few quick moments you have forgotten about them and you feel like you should not have. But the truth is, you did not forget about them, they are still a part of you and your life, you just learned to embrace life the way they would want you to instead of being sad and bitter for the lives lost.
The truth is, it never does get easier.
It still hurts, you still miss them, you will still cry some days, especially on their birthday or anniversary, you will still be mad at God or the world for taking someone you care about. You might even be mad at the person you love for leaving you and that is OK. It is OK to be angry, sad, frustrated, guilty, or whatever it is you may be feeling. You are grieving and everyone expects you to get over it, but it is OK if it takes time for you to learn to adjust and deal with your new life without the person you love.
It is OK to be sad and feel guilty at times, it happens to everyone, but do not stop living your life either. I know it is hard and it feels impossible to keep moving forward but in my experience, the people I have lost are the ones who loved life, who loved adventure, they were kind and selfless, and they would not want someone to stop living their own life because of them. So yes, be sad sometimes and get upset, but do not stop living, instead of living a life they would be proud of, live a life modeled after them, a life like theirs and spread the love they gave you to everyone else, help other's see them in you.
Things may not get better overnight and you will never stop missing them but instead of being upset about what you lost, celebrate the life and love you still have.
Things will not get easier but do not stop living the life you do have, because you will see them again one day.