High school and when people become teenagers is the time when drama escalates to its worst. There multiple types of drama: drama involving friends, family and school, just to name a few. Some people are lucky enough to not experience any of these, but most people do some time in their life, which is unfortunate.
As it gets closer and closer to the end of my first year of high school, I have gotten a front row seat to real drama, especially in the past couple months. I have to be honest. It is not fun, and it's definitely not easy. One thing I have realized about drama is that it brings out the worst or the best in people. The people in the conflict get so involved that it becomes their main focus. Drama is too distracting from what should be someone's top priorities, such as school.
Some people get so wrapped into drama, their focus and attention is taken away from things that need more. It takes up so much time in life. It can change a person. Someone who goes through so much drama may view a life full of drama as the norm. That may cause them to create drama wherever they go.
Drama is something about growing up that you shouldn't look forward to. Drama can lead to the end of friendships, gossip, rumors and many more unnecessary things. It causes a lot of stress, and everything else that goes on in someone's life does not help with that.
One thing everyone needs to know is that everyone needs to figure out who their real friends are because if you don't, you could get hurt. No, that doesn't mean that after one incident you should discard them forever. They may have lost your trust, but if you truly believe that they can redeem themselves, then you should give them a chance to do just that.
If that works, then great, but if not, it's okay because you just saved yourself a future of drama. Once you find the friends you can easily trust, they will be a part of something that nothing can break. They will be there to support you and help you through hard times, as well as family.
Drama can also take an emotional toll on someone. Not only can it cause stress, but it can contribute to sadness as well. If someone spreads a rumor about someone else, that rumor is most likely bad and could bring down that person. Or, there could be a controversy between the person who spread it and the person the rumor was about, and that leads straight to drama.
There is also something that makes drama even worse, and that is overthinking the situation. Overthinking it could lead to a bunch of things, like working so hard to get to the bottom of the drama, that the result is chaotic. Overthinking also causes you to jump to conclusions, which is something I learned very recently. Those conclusions could be completely wrong, which causes even more drama because that is basically an assumption.
There is one main source of how drama spreads and that's the media. It allows one person's drama to become someone else's, and then another person's drama from there. That is also how gossip and rumors are spread. This part of mass media is not something the world is benefiting from.
Drama in its entirety is something that no one wants to deal with, but today, it is a natural part of life. It is something that is inevitable in today's society, so we have to find a way to deal with it. It may not be easy, but there has to be a way. The truth about drama is definitely not good, but it's something we all need to hear.