There are a lot of double standards in today's society. The real truth about double standards is that we tend to ignore them when they benefit us. And for those who don't think double standards are real, they probably benefit from them so they ignore it.
We often don’t recognize them or we are blind to them because society has made us think it is normal. Not all double standards look the same, and they aren’t always said together or at the same time. A person might say, “rape jokes aren’t funny” but the same person will later say “everyone knows not to drop the bar of soap in prison”. The double standard here is that they joke about rape in prison but stated earlier that rape joke aren’t okay.
Body shaming in itself is a double standard. Women are expected to love their body type but shame other body types. There was a popular picture that went around Facebook that women would share that said “real men like curves” It showcases body positivity for women who have curves but shames women who do not, as well as tells men what they should like.
Often women are more subject to criticism from double standards. A girl could say she likes the Star Wars movies and will be questioned about her knowledge of the movies but a guy could say the same thing and no one would think twice about his knowledge of the movies.
The same situation happens to men. A guy could say he’s a feminist and will be questioned about his dedication for equality.
Women were expected to stay home and provide care at home for the family while a man was hard working and brought home the bacon. Nowadays there are stay at home dads who are thought of as weak or heroes. Often they are thought of as weak from the view of other men and as heroes from the view of women. When we expect a gender to do something and then the other gender does it they are praised for it.
The point being is we are all guilty, in some form or another, at some time or another, of applying a double standard to someone or about something. We live in a day and age where double standards are normal to us. If we want them to stop we need to start calling people out on it. There is a nice way of doing this but no matter what if someone is going to get mad about being called out, they’re going to get mad regardless of how nice you were.