The year 2016 is extremely important for Millennials. Not because of the new Marvel movies coming out, or the new Harry Potter book releasing no, 2016 is important because it will be the first time that kids born in 1996 will be able to vote in a presidential election. It's amazing because I've grown up going to the polls with my mother every election year. She reminded me each time that voting for our Countries president is so important, especially for our black community. Over the years I've come to know the battle of Democrats and Republicans through presidential races, but I've never been in the thick of things like this before and I'm excited, and very afraid. I feel like whether you are Democrat or Republican you should be afraid too. The man I "knew" about six years ago listening to his real estate knowledge in the back seat of my Step Dad's pickup is not the same man I see on my news every morning. This is a man who quite frankly I am afraid to call possibly my future President of the United States.
This man incites so much violence at his rally's it hurts my heart seeing not only people of color but people of all races being beaten and jumped simply because they want the constitutional right to protest, and to have their civil rights withheld. As a human being you shouldn't have the same views as a 78-year-old man who believes the "next time we see him [black protester] we might have to kill him." That is wrong. And for you to get behind a person who would gladly pay for this mans legal fees is an absolute tragedy and I feel very sorry for you. The treatment of women, the handicapped, people of color, and people of different religious beliefs have been mistreated and outright disrespected by those in Trumps support column, as well as the man himself.
My views are always through the eyes of a young black male, and they will not change in this article. I say that to say, I don't think Donald Trump is a racist. I think Trump knows his audience. His audience is hateful, disrespectful, ignorant, and sometimes very misinformed. But not all of them. I'm talking about the ones throwing up the Nazi hand gesture and telling young black protesters to go back to Africa. I'm talking about the audience that spits in Mexican-Americans faces when protesting anti Trump rallies. I'm talking about the audience that throws Muslim women out of a rally by the back of her neck to show that they do not support ANY other religion that Christianity. Those are the majority of Trump's supporters, and they are a majority in this country. Donald Trump has been in the eye off the media long before his presidential days. So he is used to scrutiny and dissection from the American people through TV. We have a voice in this country as Millennials far louder than the previous generations, because we out number them by so many. We are supposed to be the progressive revolution of civil justice and peace in our Country and yet I see people defend, and make excuses for, and support a man who demeans women, makes fun of the handicap, calls Mexican's rapists and murderers, believes that all Muslims are radical and mean to blow up America. And it just is not true. I don't see the progressive movement like I should with my fellow Millennials. That is why I'm so afraid. I'm afraid that we took this as a joke and it will backfire so hard on our generation. Now I'm not saying "vote Democrat" or hell even "vote Republican" but saying vote for a person who believes in the basic human rights of people of color, people with alternative sexual feelings than the "status quo", people from other countries who want to live here to find a better life for their families and themselves. I'm pleading with my fellow Millennials to be apart of the right side of history, not the fascist one.
So the truth about Trump? He's not a nice person.
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