Here are a few common assumptions made about Christians that should be put to rest!
1. Christians Are NOT PERFECT!!!
Scratch Beyonce and add JESUS. BUT I think it's amazing that some people who hear the word "Christian" instantly want to place Christians on a higher pedestal. But NO Christian is perfect! In fact, we became Christian because we know that the only way we could be redeemed was through Christ. So please know that every Christian doesn't always do or say the right things because weren't not Jesus!
2. We party!
Although, the college frat party does not seem like a place where Christians can have fun, it actually is! Don't feel bad, when I first became a Christian I thought that partying was over for me. But I actually learned that I could party in the same environment but in a different way! I don't get drunk, or dance really sexy on guys, but I do play beer pong and sing Cardi B. Parties are actually the perfect place for Christians to make friends that could later learn about Jesus, or share faith.
3. It's not Christianly to judge others
I know many people who have been offended by people who claimed to be Christians. But it's important to know that all saints have a past, and in the teachings of Christ, we are not meant to cast judgement!
4. We RESPECT other religions!
Just because someone does not believe in Christianly doesn't mean you can't respect them or their religion. I often tell my friends who share the same faith, that I think there are beautiful things about every religion and culture.
5. Every Christian is NOT WHITE or AMERICAN!
Christians come in every color, size, shape and corner of the world! Jesus doesn't discriminate.