All my life, I’ve lived repeating the definition of “fearless” to myself. To live up to my own expectations, I had to live fearlessly. Fear is only an illusion of the mind, right? Although this is true, I’ve learned that fear is inevitable.
I’ve continued to push myself my whole life in order to achieve the full status of being fearless. I love the simple and complex thrills of life, and tend to act on them when I can. When I hesitate about anything, I instantly try to talk myself into thinking it’s a good idea, because that’s what a fearless person would do. In some cases, this is accurate, in others it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Being fearless doesn’t necessarily mean you have to say yes to everything. It takes a strong and brave person to say “no” sometimes. Being fearless isn’t giving in to pressure, and it isn’t always a “why the hell not” moment. It can be standing up for yourself and turning away from something toxic.
Nobody can be completely fearless, and I’ve had to force myself to believe that. I wanted to be viewed as a person who doesn’t scare easy, who is willing to jump into anything and embrace spontaneity, who can make decisions for herself and is a genuinely strong person every second of every day. But I’ve found that some things terrify me, I have hesitated to do many things, and I have felt undeniably weak. But that’s the thing, these things are unavoidable human traits. We can’t completely deny the fears we hold. We all have our moments where we can’t stand as tall as we want to.
My definition of “Fearless”:
Fearlessness is the act of doing things that set your soul on fire. It’s striving to be the best person you can be without hesitation. It’s not letting anyone hold you back from pursuing something that’s important to you. It’s about being so passionate about something that you wouldn’t let anything stop you from getting or doing what you want.
Fearlessness is acknowledging your fears, but jumping anyway.
Fearlessness is standing up for yourself and what you believe in. It’s knowing how to make the best decisions for yourself.
Fearlessness is not caring what people think of you, your decisions, and the direction you want to go in. It takes a brave person to whole heartedly jump into things for the sake of pure happiness, and not worrying what the consequences could be.
Live your own definition of fearless and pursue it for the rest of your life. God knows I will.