If you know me, you probably know that I love music. In my free time (and even my not-free time when I'm working on something), I am almost always listening to music. I frequently have songs stuck in my head (usually I don't mind it). It has always been incredibly difficult for me to choose a favorite song or musical artist, just because I love so many songs and artists that at any given moment I have probably 5-10 favorites, at least. But one of my current favorite songs is Trust In You by one of my current favorite musical artists, Lauren Daigle.
The short version of her story behind the song is that she lost someone she had a close relationship with--her grandfather. Though it was difficult to continue trusting God as she suffered this loss, she wrote this song as a reminder to herself to keep trusting in Him, no matter what. (That explanation definitely doesn't do the story justice, so if you'd like to hear her talking about it, you can look up "Lauren Daigle: Trusting God in the Midst of Grief" on YouTube!)
I am generally a very trusting person. I typically find it easy to trust in God and the people around me. Sometimes that backfires, but oftentimes I find it to be good that I can trust easily. However, just like literally every single other person in history, I have had many ups and downs and sometimes it has been incredibly difficult to continue trusting God and/or people.
Sometimes it's really easy to lose heart, become discouraged, and not trust. But we only see a very small part of the picture; God sees the big picture. He has His reasons for choosing to reveal what He chooses to reveal. He has His reasons for healing some people and not healing others. He has His reasons for not answering our every prayer in the way we want Him to.
Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'"
Honestly, that verse is so comforting to me. It is so easy to get caught up in the little bit that we do see that we forget about our great God, Who sees all and knows all. We can so easily get worked up over things that, in light of eternity, don't really matter much.
What I love about Trust In You is how, every time I listen to it, it is a simple yet powerful reminder of God's goodness and faithfulness. He is trustworthy, even when we perceive Him not to be. He is good, even when we think He is not. He is love, even when we feel like He isn't.
So even when my world shakes, even when my heart breaks, for as long as I live, I'll continue to trust in God. Sometimes it will be easy, sometimes it will be hard. But it will always be worth it. He has proven Himself trustworthy time and time again. He has never left me or abandoned me; He has never rejected me. He speaks gently to me, He calms and comforts me in anxious moments, He reminds me that He not only has love but in fact that He is the very essence of love. He is good, faithful, steady, sure, true, and I truly have no reason to not trust Him.