This has been a huge part of my year so far. I am quickly learning that 2019 is becoming my year of growth and change, and in order to do that, I have to trust my instincts. From changing my major, to applying for new things, and deciding to pursue certain opportunities and people, this year has already been full of change.
I think it can be really easy to just stick your comfort zones and let opportunities pass by just because you are not 100% comfortable with their idea. But humor me on this - how will we ever know what could be if we don't at least try??
6 months ago I would have thought you were crazy if you told me where I am at in present day. I would have shut it down immediately just because the me from 6 months ago didn't take chances. She didn't trust her judgement and would let things slip away just because she was too scared to accept their "uncomfortableness"
I'm not really sure when exactly the switch flipped, but one day I just got so tired of being down on myself for not doing this, or going to that, or talking to that one person. So I decided to take my chances and trust my thoughts a little more each day.
Surprisingly, this has helped build my confidence more than I ever expected it to. I am my no means at all a super self-confident person, I have my fair share of self doubts and insecurities, but little by little and day by day, I have seen my confidence grow. Confidence in my abilities, skills, relationships with others, and my self.
I think it all stems back to the fact that I realized I am capable of so much more than I thought. I am more strong-willed, giving, and self-assured than I ever gave myself credit for.
Accepting all of the change that has been happening has shown me all of this. Deciding to embrace the unknown has helped my character and mental state. It has even shown me an element of fun and suspense in not knowing how exactly certain things and relationships will turn out.
At the end of the day, as cheesy as this is, we really do only have the present. Spending time stressing out about how certain situations will play out is wasting time in the present day. If you want to pursue something and your instincts are telling you to trust that feeling, go after it!! Because one way or another, it will be a giving lesson. No matter the outcome, which is hopefully a good one, it will teach you more about yourself and your views and capabilities.
I never in a million years thought I would be able to sit here and write all of this out to you. I have always been a planner and in some ways always will be, but there is something to be said about being sure in your own judgements. You know yourself better than you think you do.