I am the type of person that loves to give people chances to redeem themselves, but sometimes I have to listen to my gut about somethings that I'm second-guessing myself on. I am new to somethings in my life, although I always knew that those parts of me existed. I had to explore the newer parts of me with people who know how things work. It stunk because I compromised some of my beliefs and it ended terribly. As I began to know things about the members of my new friend group, the more that I didn't want to associate myself with them and it hurt my heart.
I won't reveal the things that are unforgivable due to privacy. I thought that I found my tribe with this group of people, but it ended up being a mismatched group of weird vibes. For my own mental and physical health, I have to remove myself from this group of people. It hurts me because not all of the people have bad vibes in the group but in order to heal, I am ghosting them. I know that they wouldn't physically hurt me, I know sometimes others aren't as lucky.
When something huge happens, you want to protect yourself and those who you love the most. When people are in trouble, one tries and helps them because it's what we are taught in society. When asking those people that surround them how to help the ones in need and the other gets offended about you helping them, that's a pride issue. I understand that some people don't want help, but them putting people in a situation that sometimes can lead to health problems is just plain wrong. It truly isn't right to put other people in danger.
Being around the wrong people can be risky both physically and mentally. I know our old friend group has good people( on the surface) but I ended up with something that is causing a lot of hardship on me and my relationship with my sweet husband. When people escape a tough situation sometimes it puts them at risk of being physically hurt and I had to deal with the pain for months now. Mentally, being around certain people, it causes a lot of strain and stress on your brain and that shouldn't happen with "your tribe".
I am writing this so people understand that following your gut needs to be practiced daily. My husband and I are still fighting the problem that was given to us in the beginning and we didn't catch it until it was too late. When you are meeting someone for the first time and you get a weird vibe about the area and the people surrounding it. Listen to your gut about everything because nature put it there to protect us both physically and mentally.