I don't know about you, but I am the definition of a control freak. I like to know exactly what is happening, exactly how it is happening, exactly when it is happening... You get the picture. I have serious issues if I can't predict my next step. Whether it be in relationships, friendships, school, work — whatever it is, I like being in control of it. It is for this reason that I cannot ride roller coasters (I don't know what's going to happen next) and I'm not good at classes without a week-by-week outline in their syllabus. I just need to know what's going to happen, you know? I really, really need to know.
It is for this reason that the future terrifies me. Will I get married? Will I get a job? Will I even graduate before I'm 30? You tell me! (Seriously, if you can, I would love it.)
I try my hardest to let go of these feelings because believe it or not, my friends and family don't really love being micro-managed. In my pursuit of wanting to be a more relaxed and less crazy control freak, I often look to Pinterest: Quotes for helpful hints written in beautiful ways that somehow make them seem more meaningful and inspiring. In one of my recent digs, I found this phrase: "Trust the Process."
"Trust the process? Trust the process of what?" I started to think deeply about just what that means, and what I have found is this:
Has there ever been a time in your life where you did not make it through a situation? Has there ever not been that one day when you wake up after a heartbreak or disappointment where you think to yourself "I can do this" and you move on? What I'm trying to say is that nothing has killed you. There is nothing you have not overcome.
There is a process for growth. We cannot grow unless we are given the opportunity to do so. There is no room to grow if everything in your life is always perfect; where would your opportunities come from? So maybe instead of looking at your hard times like pointless tragedies, start looking at them like opportunities to grow. Chances are you didn't get to be the strong person you are today without a few opportunities for growth.
It's scary to trust the process. It's scary to let go of your control and just let it be. You can't always have a plan (and even if you do have one, you can't always execute it.) This is OK, because it is a part of the process.
You don't have to know why what's happening in your life right now — whether it be a breakup, a job loss, a failing grade, etc. You don't have to know why it's happening. All you have to know is that whatever is happening is happening for good.
It isn't until you give up the illusion that you have control over anything that is happening that you can start to fully and completely let go, live your life, and watch what amazing things can happen. Because amazing things will happen, whether you're killing yourself trying to force them to happen or not.
Imagine who you could be if you stopped focusing all of your time and energy into worrying and trying to control things, and instead chose to learn from each and every moment.
I'm starting to try to do this little by little, because giving up any bad habit is hard, even if it just a refocus of your mind on the things that really matter in the now. Each day I try to take at least one thing I'm worried about or that I'm trying to control and let it go. I remember that the fact that I am standing here is proof enough that everything really does work out for good.
You are exactly where you are meant to be, you just have to trust in the process.