Trump wants the black vote? Well what do blacks have to lose? Well, Trump, a lot … You blame all of our issues on Hillary and the Democrats, but isn’t the congress mostly made up of Republicans? Aren’t yaw cock-blocking every bill that Obama, Clinton and Democrats are willing to pass for the benefit of all Americans; not just blacks.
You have bigotry just spewing out your pores like you’re the billions of dollars you took from unsuspecting students in your great “Trump University.” Dude, you need a reality check she (being Hillary) may not have been my first choice, but she is way better than you and your bigoted crew. When you chose Pence as your running mate I knew you were coo-coo-4-coco-puffs.
Like Maya Angelou said, “People Show You who they are…Believe Them”. It seems to me you have not laid out any policies that benefit me nor my family and I can say I almost hit in every demograph you need to win in... I am a disabled: German, Indian, Black, Woman, Mother, Daughter, Aunt, Student, Head of the household and Independent, and you sir will not get my vote. I am with her because she talks about change and has the kahunas and experience to get the job done she also has a leg up on you because she has a great adviser in her best friend/husband and ex-President Bill Clinton.
TrumpsterJuice if heaven forbid you make it into the white house you would probably put your tacky-ass last name in gold on the white house. Why in the hell would we subject ourselves to the idiocy of you? You have offended and bullied every culture in this country and expect us to forget all the horrendous things that flowed out of your mouth. Maybe you could borrow some more funds from Russia and go back to school to learn basic common decency, morals, and values from an accredited university. Like from how about a HBCU so you can learn about black people and other people of color instead of the force-feed education that America has provided to all American whether it is correct or not.
No TrumpsterJuice I do not like Trump on a plane, I do not like Trump with a cane I do not like him anywhere nor do I care if they dress him up and fix that hair I do not like Trump and with my vote he would be bare…I did not like Trump when his reality show was on the Air. Trumpsterjuice uses the media to bully and scare but we the people are smarter I swear. We will not be another Brex-it. Just in case let me get a passport to move to a country that cares.