I think Mike Pence really cannot stand you. When people asked him questions he stutters like he is trying to find the correct words that won't hinder his chances to win in 2020. I also believe that if, heaven
When Pence said, there you go with that Mexican thing again, he could not really condone it with a straight face he had smirks and facial disruptions that said it all. Pence needs the base that TrumpsterJuice is constantly offending to help him win the presidency in 2020 so, Pence for heaven’s sake please stop TrumpsterJuice from the foot-and-mouth disease.
Pence would not stand for the excuse of, I used the tax laws brilliantly if he was not the Veep for the TrumpsterJuice Campaign. TrumpsterJuice has not released any tax returns, and I am pretty sure that if I didn’t pay my taxes I would be in an orange jumpsuit with a number on the back. By the way, even Martha Steward, Al Capone, and the Teflon Don went to jail for tax evasion…
We need him (TrumpsterJuice) to go to jail for his idiocy of what bullshit spews out of his mouth like he keeps trying to start chants for the jailing of Hillary. Pence can we flip the ticket and you can say You’re Fired to TrumpsterJuice? Maybe choose McCain as your V.P. (Vice President) then we would have a straight military ticket against a weaker Democratic ticket, then maybe just maybe the Republicans will win in 2016 by a landslide.
How about you stay as the Veep and McCain just step in the Jackass of the decade’s spot? Now there is a report that the deplorable TrumpsterJuice has said he gets passes for feeling up on women because he is a celebrity. TrumpsterJuice where are you a celebrity? You must be on the F-list for failing miserably.
Pence WAKE UP! I am not of fan of your but-what-"good"-you have done in Indiana, but that point is becoming a moot point right now. Run Pence Run you are like Forest to TrumpsterJuice's Jenny, he doesn't love you man it's time for you and us to go on a TrumpsterJuice Vacation. #No2TrumpsterJuice #DontDrinktheTrumpsterJuice