Trump's Week
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Trump's Week

All eyes are on Trump

Trump's Week

To call Donald Trump’s first week in office as “huge” as he might say, could be considered a slight understatement. All eyes are on Trump as he blazed through several executive orders, and some of the largest protests of the United States have taken place in response to certain legislative actions. BBC has published more than 200 stories and videos combined relating to Mr. Trump since inauguration day—it’s clearly been a busy week for the media.

On the first of Christm…Oops! Let me rephrase that.

On the first day of Trump’s reign, my eyes could not believe: American Carnage

January 20th was a day that will forever go down in history, as Donald Trump defied all odds and was sworn into office. This was perhaps the calmest day of the beginning of Trump’s presidency; however, Trump was still both criticized and praised for his inaugural speech. Some call it the most divisive speech in history, but some have dubbed it as a message of true patriotism.

One the second day of Trump’s reign, my eyes could not believe: The Protests

Washington D.C.’s streets were filled with hundreds of thousands (millions globally) women as the “Women’s Marches” took place. Women’s reproductive rights, gender, sexual and racial equality were all issues that were actively protested. Meanwhile, Trump had a press conference at the CIA headquarters, insinuating that the media had created a “feud” between the intelligence agency and Trump, although this contradicts Trump’s earlier tweets as he labeled the U.S. as acting similar to Nazi Germany. He continued his speech with ranting about the media’s inaccurate inaugural coverage, claiming it was “the largest audience to witness an inauguration, period.” All this took place in front of the CIA’s hallowed memorial wall.

On the third day of Trump’s reign, my eyes could not believe: Media War

Kellyanne Conway defended Sean Spicer’s comments on the inauguration numbers, and introduced the world to a new phrase, “alternative facts.” Trump also revealed on the same day that Barack Obama had left a beautiful letter at the Oval Office. He also spoke about negotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement with his Canadian and Mexican counterparts.

On the fourth day of Trump’s reign, my eyes could not believe: Bye-Bye TTP

Trump’s administration had meetings with Trump, in which Trump announced his policy to cut regulations for U.S.-based businesses by 75%. The U.S. was also pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal. Federal money was banned from going to international groups that provide or perform abortions, and he hired a freeze on some federal government works. A lawsuit was brought against Trump by ethics lawyers that claimed he is violating a constitutional ban on accepting payments from foreign governments through his hotels, but the case is said to have no merit.

On the fifth day of Trump’s reign, my eyes could not believe: Drill Baby Drill!

The Keystone XL and the Dakota Access project on opening up pipelines was approved by Trump. Environmentalists expressed grave danger is in-store for the effect on the climate, and the doomsday clock was even moved closer to midnight (2.5 minutes to be exact). The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe claimed that Trump’s move has created a war. Oh, and FBI Director James Comey is allowed to stay in his position under the Trump administration...

On the sixth day of Trump’s reign, my eyes could not believe: Torture? Yes, please.

Two more executive orders were signed to call for a “large physical barrier” (THE WALL) to be built on the southern bored of the US, as well as defunding of “sanctuary cities.” Trump’s interview with ABC also went viral as he claimed “torture works” and that he does not oppose the method of waterboarding. Two executive order drafts were also released (still in the process of being authenticated), suggesting Trump will suspend the Syrian refugee programme, discontinuing visas from Muslim-majority countries.

On the seventh day of Trump’s reign, my eyes could not believe: Enrique Pena Nieto’s Message

The Mexican President had an upcoming meeting with Donald Trump, but it fell apart quickly after the US President insisted that Mexico would pay to build the wall. The video can be viewed through this link:

The White House has also suggested a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports, but Mexico’s foreign minister claims this to be a bad move as it would shift burden onto U.S. consumers. Theresa May also arrived in the US, renewing the relationship between NATO. In other exciting news, former US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, vowed to register as Muslim. This could be an interesting conflict if Trump creates an actual register of Muslim-Americans.

Well, there are supposed to be 12 days according to the song “12 Days of Christmas”, but I’ll cut it short so you can internalize all of this.

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