President Trump has stated that the media is "the enemy of the American people."
In reality, what he actually believes is the "enemy of the American people" is anyone who dislikes or disagrees with him.
Last month several news outlets were denied access to a briefing at The White House. It's said to be extremely uncommon for the White House to pick and choose certain outlets to attend these "gaggles", but then again, Trump is an extremely uncommon president.
The depressing truth of the matter is, Donald Trump does not like people who disagree with him. He does not know how to respond to disapproval with maturity and grace, as a president should. Instead, he turns to social media outlets, such as twitter, and shamelessly bashes his opposers. Kind of like what angsty teenagers do when they get into a fight with one of their friends.
His favorite thing to call news outlets who do not favor him is "FAKE NEWS".
Seriously, just take a scroll down his twitter page and you'll see dozens of tweets baring that term.
What's so scary about the White House banning certain news outlets from a briefing is that President Trump is now attempting to censor what is written about him. He knew very well that the outlets banned, such as CNN and The New York Times, have and most likely will continue to publish negative views of him, and that is why they were not allowed at the briefing.
This is not only an attack on these news outlets, but it's an attack on our constitutional rights.
Though we may not always agree with each other, it's important to acknowledge and respect the fact that not everyone has the same views. The beauty of politics and journalism is that we have a right to look at both sides, to view things objectively. By bashing certain news outlets, Trump is implying that their views are "wrong". He should respect the views and opinions of those who disapprove of him, but instead he attempts to silence them.
This man is leading our country. And he is trying to silence those who oppose him. He is trying to sway people into only viewing news outlets that favor him, who which in turn will obviously continue to have favorable things to say about President Trump.
Shouldn't it worry us that the person in charge of our country likes to talk shit on twitter? He couldn't even handle Meryl Streep calling him out at The Golden Globes! He felt the need to call her "over rated" for discussing something she, along with many others, was very offended by. What a person with empathy would do is apologize to those he may have offended, but instead Donald Trump decides to spit words of hate at those he is suppose to be leading.
Here's a message to President Trump: you must realize that those who oppose you are also Americans; you are not just the president of those who voted for you. Learn how to handle opposition with dignity, for you are setting an awful example.