On December 12, 2015, representatives from 196 countries gathered in Paris to mold a momentous agreement that revolved around the health of the global environment. This accord consists of plans to utilize green energy sources, cut back on harmful emissions on a global scale, and fight inevitable climate change. Sound familiar?
The Paris
Agreement, as many are calling it, has become an internationally trending
topic. What is it? What does it entail? Why did Trump pull out of it? Why are
so many countries (all but 3, just
We all know the eminent threat that global warming poses to the environment-- and if you don't, just do a quick google search on it. If you still aren't convinced, I'm sorry on your behalf.
Trump's decision to pull out of this agreement has stirred up quite a bit of controversy both in the media and the hearts of American citizens. In modern democratic fashion, there are those who vehemently oppose #45's decision and those who wholeheartedly support it.
So, what exactly does this deal entail and why did President Trump withdraw from it?
The main focus of this agreement is all about 2 degrees. That’s right, two degrees (Celsius, of course). Relative to pre-industrial levels, limiting the global average temperature to rising above 2 degrees is imperative to inhibit more harmful impacts than what are already going to occur. This current target is essentially the primary leap into a successful venture.
Secondly, this is a voluntary pledge to reduce emissions and work toward a cleaner, safer planet. In order to provide services to bolster this movement in developing countries, there will be a cost. A floor of 100 billion dollars has been integrated; the majority of this money will be allocated to shifting from using fossil fuels to more environmentally friendly sources of energy. Additionally, this voluntary pledge does not include a definitive plan on how exactly to reduce emissions from each respective country until the year 2020.
And so we continue.
President Trump announced that his first priority is the wellbeing of American citizens and that because of this, he cannot support a pact as such.
How exactly would this deal negatively affect American citizens? Essentially, the coal industry would take an even bigger blow than what it's facing. Hate to break it to you, but this disengagement won't save the coal industry.
Another issue that Trump brings to the table is that China's emissions aren't stated to be eliminated for another 13 years, but what he didn't say is that they are on track to beat their target year goal and meeting their commitments.
He also states, verbatim, that he "was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris". The county that Pittsburgh is in actually voted for Hillary Clinton (56:40), making the statement laughable. I'm sorry, I had to. As the President of the United States, it is his job to protect and represent American citizens, yes. As a human, it is his job to care about the health of his planet. There is a direct correlation in participating in the agreement and protecting Americans.
While Trump has said no to the Paris Accord, many cities in America have said yes. So while our nation may not collectively participate in the plan, the fight is still being fought.
Perhaps when the Mar-a-Lago goes under water, Mr. President will take the matter more seriously.