If you have eyes, it is clear that our healthcare system does not work. Rich, white people clearly get more care than impoverished people of color, and yet there are still people who refute this claim. This is even more evident when we look at the COVID numbers. The President himself experienced the upside of these disparities and yet ignores the fact that there are disparities to begin with, even going on to say that the virus is no big deal. So, I am going to list his advantages out for you.
First, theres the diagnosis. Unlike the average American, especially not the senior citizens and people of color who experience barriers to proper healthcare in the first place, Trump had access to regular testing. That means, he would catch the virus at its earliest stage. Additionally, as a white male in his position of power, he clearly had less of a chance to contract the disease than say a black male living in New York. And yet, he still did, which just goes to showcase the blatant ignorance he has for public safety and the disrespect he holds for disadvantaged citizens.
Next, there's care. Most COVID patients, if they are not at a severe stage of the virus, are told to monitor their symptoms at home. Trump, despite not being bed-bound and constantly posting pictures of him "still doing work," was rushed immediately to the hospital. And even when he is sent back to the White House, he will have an in-person clinic. He also was given a cocktail of drugs normally reserved for people with severe symptoms.
Finally, the kicker - payment. Trump has access to free healthcare as President of the United States. You would think that as a Republican, that would be the first thing he got rid of because it is supposedly socialist and communist, but no - no Republican cares about the morality of any system unless it benefits them. Trump and his party refuse to provide the same benefits that he gets to the American public because he simply does not care for the average American. Instead, he lives off of the taxes of their citizens without providing a dime of his own (evident in his 750 tax dollars).
Now, I understand that the President is entitled to enjoy some benefits as the leader of the free world (that title is debatable though). But the average citizen should not be experiencing near death while the President can say that the virus is no big deal and refuse to acknowledge the clear advantages he receives. Its immoral, unjust, and downright disrespectful.