A lot of character attacks have been directed at Hillary Clinton lately. People label her a liar, claim that she is corrupt, and claim that her and the entire DNC are rigged and corrupt. On the other side, Trump has been nominated as the Republican presidential candidate. Now while many of the people in this country rejoiced at the nomination of this man, I will be honest that I did not feel the same sentiments. Actually if I had to describe my feelings, it is that I felt an overwhelming amount of disappointment. It just seemed crazy that we could feel OK with putting someone in office who is as scary as Mr. Trump. Many of his supporters argue that he is a great choice for president, because he "says it how it is" or that he "speaks the truth." They also argue that since the whole system is "corrupt" Trump can come in and truly lead us since he in not owned by anyone.
But does he speak the truth?
First off, there is a big difference between speaking the truth and telling people what they want to hear. I am not blaming Trump supporters solely for this, Sanders supporters fall in the same boat (that is different conversation though). See most Trump supporters are afraid. So Trump, being as manipulative as he is, has just used fear mongering to get elected. Trump supporters are scared of ISIS, terrorism, cartels, the government, the elite, just about anything they cannot control. Trump feeds these fears to ensure that he can find more support the more he perpetuates these fears within our nation.
I will admit, though, I am scared too. I am terrified every time I hear of a terrorist attack or of a shooting. If there is one thing I remember from playing football in high school, it is that I was always told that we couldn't play emotional and win. Emotions, while great motivational factors, do not lead to solid legislation. After 9/11 the emotional state the country led to the TSA strictness, the Patriot Act (think NSA), and the Iraq War. Fear led us to putting Japanese-American citizens in camps during World War II. Fear fueled McCarthyism. Fear took us to Vietnam and Korea. Fear is the greatest enemy our country has ever known and Trump is a component of fear. He is the result of us, not standing up to the government, but of allowing for the cruelty of the world to beat us down. Contrary to what Trump says, the answer is not in building walls, or shutting down our borders. Cowards shut themselves in, the brave look at the wrongs of the world and find a way to face it head on.
So, no, Hillary is not a great candidate. Neither is Trump. One lies. One creates fear. Neither of these create decent leaders. This is why (and this pains me to say it) I agree with Ted Cruz: "Vote your conscience."