I got the news this morning when I woke up and checked my phone. Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States. I'd sensed his victory the night before, but retreated to my bed, hoping that when I woke up, perhaps his electoral lead would've turned a different way.
I woke up around 8:00 A.M., and for the first few minutes of the hour, I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I just knew. But I wanted to delay the disappointment for just a few minutes.
I know that presidents of the United States aren't dictators, at least for now, but I'm saddened by the results of this election. What does this say about the American people?
A person who has no political experience is fit to rule us.
A person who brags about sexual assault is fit to rule us.
A person who calls Mexicans rapists is fit to rule us.
A person who thinks it's rational to "build a wall" is fit to rule us.
A person who shows clinical signs of narcissism is fit to rule us.
A person who wants to ban Muslims from entering our country is fit to rule us.
A person who is endorsed by the KKK is fit to rule us.
A person who thinks only attractive women have worth is fit to rule us.
A person who wants to deport hundreds of thousands is fit to rule us.
I'm extremely disappointed and scared. I predict that candid racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia will become acceptable again. If our president can act this way, why can't the public? Hate will see a new surge. Hate crimes are predicted to increase. Quotes like, "If Trump wins, we can do whatever we want to women," have already surfaced on social media.
This morning, I said to myself, "It'll be okay, it'll be okay, it'll be okay," as I watched myself get dressed in the mirror. But suddenly, an imagined scenario of my brother, a member of the LGBTQ community, being beaten, harassed, and disrespected came into my mind. A wave of sobbing came over me that I couldn't control.
Additionally, I'm ordering a new knife today in case certain men are encouraged by Trump's nonchalant attitude towards sexual assault.
However, not all hope is lost. Today, I saw an electoral map of the United States that only showed the young adult vote (ages 18-25). The map was overwhelmingly blue; only a three or four states were red. This is the future.
Though there may be setbacks and periods of stagnation, humanity has always moved forward, love has always won, and I believe that Trump is old America's last stand.
The future is still ours.