The last time I checked, it is 2015, not 1939. When asked about the security of the United States after the events in Paris, Donald Trump commented on many aspects of improvements of security. Comments were made about shutting down Mosques in The United States, sending Syrian refugees back, and others. When asked about issuing badges for Muslims who live in the United States, Trump said, “We’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely.” Excuse me? Not only did he not say no, he responded in a way that made me, and many others believe, that this is a part of his presidential plan. Have we not learned from history that an event like this is very similar to one made in the 1930s of Nazi Germany and the rest of Europe?
Donald Trump has made outrageous, unbelievable, and some of the most bizarre comments made by a president campaigning for office, but this one goes over the limit. I understand Trump’s way of campaigning is saying whatever he has to say to gain publicity, but somehow it has worked so far. To comment on an idea of national security by embedding a government procedure famously introduced by Hitler is unacceptable. Just for clarification, Hitler was not the first to use the yellow star of Davids on the Jews. As far back as the Medieval times do we see the use of yellow badges to separate Jews from other faiths.
Trump’s thought process on many of his security “improvements,” with his use of special identifications and deportation of Syrian refugees is not what this country was raised upon. Most of the citizens in our country today, their families were refugees or immigrants coming, running or looking for a new life in The United States. To not commit to this foundation of our country is unpatriotic.
We cannot and will not let Donald Trump allow these special identification cards become a piece of law for citizens of our country. As a Jew, I have learned what effect the yellow star of David badges had in the time of the second World War. From separating a group of people from a population, this creates mass discrimination-- even worse than what we see already.
On top of this all, Roanoke, Virginia Mayor, David Bowers advised relocation the Syrian refugees instead of aiding them. "Since the recent terrorist bombing of the Russian airliner, the attacks in Paris and now with the murderous threats to our nation's capital, I am convinced that it is presently imprudent to assist in the relocation of Syrian refugees to our part of Virginia.” He continued by comparing this situation to World War II, saying, "I'm reminded that President Franklin D. Roosevelt felt compelled to sequester Japanese foreign nationals after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and it appears that the threat of harm to America from ISIS now is just as real and serious as that from our enemies then.” If anything, we can see that the tactics used in the time period of World War II, European or American, had rash consequences and lead to the deaths and imprisonments of millions.
It is 2015, let us act like we have a sense of morals and reasoning.