Trump Taps Brother For Cabinet | The Odyssey Online
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Trump Taps Brother For Cabinet

The President-Elect's choice for Director of Office of Budget and Management

Trump Taps Brother For Cabinet
Image pulled from Google Images

Officials from President-Elect Donald Trump’s transition team confirmed Wednesday morning that the Trump administration’s choice for Director of Office of Management and Business (OMB) will be the President-Elect’s twin, largely unknown real estate mogul Tronald Dump.

Mr. Dump, shown in the photo above, has never been covered by media before now, stating that he owes his seeming inconspicuousness, despite being the twin brother of a well known figure and now President-Elect, to an innate talent in regards to not being noticed and to flying under the radar.

“I’m the best at hiding,” Dump said in an exclusive interview Wednesday evening. “Believe me. You won’t find anyone better than me at hiding. I love to hide, and many professional hiders know me.”

Asked why Mr. Dump was tapped for OMB, the President-Elect cited his twin brother’s vast experience at business and securing large sums of money to finance projects all over the world, including some of the President-Elect’s own golf courses.

“Well I think he’s great at making deals,” Trump said. “He’s the best, as good as I am, believe me, and I’m the best. He’s made a lot of money. Some fantastic deals. Billions of dollars, like me. Just fantastic. The best. He’s even done some work on my golf courses, the best in the world by the way.”

Many have voiced open opposition to President-Elect Trump’s cabinet choices, claiming that the President-Elect’s cabinet represents an administration dedicated solely to the billionaire class and to the top one percent of income earners.

“I guess they have a few poor millionaires on it, but, mostly, it is billionaires,” Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said in an interview last week with CBS. “And this is coming from a candidate for president, Mr. Trump, who told us he was going to take on the establishment. Well, maybe I am not seeing something here, but you don’t appoint the head of ExxonMobil to be secretary of state. That is not quite taking on the establishment.”

Asked about the OMB pick, Trump officials have expressed only support.

“I think that he made the right choice,” Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway said. “I was given the opportunity to have dinner alone with Mr. Dump, without even the President-Elect being there, and I was shocked by how similar they were. Mr. Dump has leadership skills nearly on par with President-Elect Trump. I could see a 2024 run after eight years of a successful Trump administration.”

House Speaker Paul Ryan, however, seemed to evade the question entirely when prompted.

“I don’t have much to say on the matter,” Ryan said. “Mr. Trump will do what he feels is best, and the GOP will be behind him. We’ve never been more unified.”

Asked about this in an exclusive interview by Odyssey Online, President Obama seemed shocked by the President-Elect’s choice for Director of OMB.

“I... what? Are you serious?” Obama said. “What is this? Are you even journalists? Is this a real interview? That twin is clearly-”

The interview was interrupted by the Secret Service for security purposes. Mr. Dump has said that he intends to respond to the President-Elect’s offer by the end of the month.
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