Trump Is Still Not My President, And I Won't Apologize | The Odyssey Online
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Trump Is Still Not My President, And I Won't Apologize

Until he actually represents every American, he will not be our president.

Trump Is Still Not My President, And I Won't Apologize
Common Dreams

Recently, I read another article entitled "Donald Trump is President, Get Over It". The entire article was aggressive and full of one sided opinions, so I thought I'd add in my two cents.

So, "people of America, GET OVER YOURSELVES" because apparently your differing opinion is no longer welcome (let's be honest, when was it ever welcome?). Yes, the post election morale of this country is steadily declining because "the Democrats didn't get their way". Well, let's go over what did not go our way, shall we? We are upset because with the election of Donald Trump came the declining religious tolerance that we have been fighting so hard to build up (Muslim ban, anyone?). The defunding of Planned Parenthood and the pushing for banning of abortion and birth control are all decisions being made by males.

Yes, I am playing that card because while the "white, male privilege" might be just a meme to you, it is real and scary to those that it actually applies to. We, Democrats, are upset because with this presidency came a striking fear in the hearts and minds of women. Donald Trump may have the most negative past with women than anybody I've ever seen. He is disrespectful and rude, promotes sexual harassment, and has sought to own and control women through his ownership of the Miss Universe Pageant.

We are upset because the environmental protection policies that President Obama fought for and implemented are now going to be thrown out the window; policies that literally help preserve the human race. The protection of our environment should not be just a Democrat concern considering it affects every single person on this planet, and yet we seem to be the only people who care! Granted, there are conservatives who are concerned with the environment, but the majority of Trump followers do not, and those are the people this is aimed towards.

We are upset because now Mexicans are inherently seen as rapists and murderers, African Americans are inherently seen as corrupt and dangerous, and anyone with brown skin is inherently seen as Muslim, which is in turn seen as murderous and evil. We are upset because women who are fighting for their rights to equality and who are being independent and strong willed are seen as plagues to society.

Of course, the past is the past! People can change! After all, the majority of people in America did want him in office and voted accordingly, right? Nope, with the way the Electoral College works, Donald Trump lost the popular vote; the people of America wanted Hillary Clinton. However, this is no longer about the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the election, or that Bernie Sanders was never given the chance. Everybody recognized the scandal that Clinton was involved with. That could not be ignored, and it wasn't. However, when Trump gets involved in scandals that are on the level of potential treason sentences, he fires the director of the FBI who was investigating him!...or did the Trump followers just seem to conveniently forget that?

So, sure, we should all just "cut the man some slack". "He's not perfect"; yes! You are completely right: he is not perfect, and nobody expects him to be. However, I do expect the leader of the free world to be considerate, smart, qualified, helping towards all people, tolerant of all people, and not rely on his daughter to do the speaking for him.

As the author of "Donald Trump is President, Get Over It" said, everybody should get involved with their local government! Make political statements and take action for what you believe in! Keep up the protests and keep your voices loud. Eventually, we can all be One Nation Under Whatever Spiritual Deity You Believe In Or Don't Believe In Because Church And State Were Separated A Long Time Ago. Hopefully, we can make America great to start with, because an America that is not equal in every race and gender is not great at all.

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