Alright, before I start blasting Donald Trump and all the men that were involved in reinstating this bill, let me first say that yes, I know I haven't written in a while but I'm back. I've been really busy lately with school so calm the f@ck down. Did you die cause I stopped writing? No, you are still breathing. So let's get to it.
Now, let's take a look a this photo that has been going viral for the past couple of days.
According to CNN, "President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday, January 23rd, reinstating the so-called Mexico City Policy, which bars international non-governmental organizations that perform abortions from receiving US government funding." So basically what this means is that women outside of the United States and women around the world who want to have abortions for whatever purpose will no longer have access to health groups that are able to promote or offer that service. If the health group accepts funding from the United Stated, they are not allowed to promote or offer abortions, which goes against what these health groups believe. The health groups believe that their patients should have the right to choice what they want to do with their OWN bodies and I agree.
I swear Donald Trump and the Republicans think we're just out here aborting babies for fun. Like no, we actually have valid reasons for why we want to abort our babies and we shouldn't have to listen to men who can't even birth a baby tell us what the hell to do with our bodies. How dare you. There are women inside and outside of this country who are raped every single day and get pregnant by their abusers.Why force a woman to carry around a baby that came from her abuser? Do you know what that does to a woman's mental health? It destroys her! But men wouldn't know anything about that in this patriarchal society. You see, men will never know what it feels like to be raped and have the baby of their rapist. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that only women get raped in this society but men who are raped aren't vulnerable to the possibility of getting pregnant.
Because this bill has been reinstated it has been estimated that, "the loss of its services during Trump's first term could cause 6.5 million unintended pregnancies, 2.2 million abortions, 2.1 million unsafe abortions, and 21,700 maternal deaths" (CNN). I just don't understand how these republican a$aholes think it is morally right to tell women what we can and cannot do with our bodies. Does it personally affect you? No! Do you actually take a woman's opinion into consideration when you pass ridiculous laws like this? I doubt it based on the picture that the whole world has seen. Not a single woman in sight while this bill was reinstated.
Look, we have bigger issues to deal with in this country than to be trying to tell women inside and outside of this country what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. Obama care, also known as the Affordable Care Act, for example is in the process of being repealed by the Republicans with no valid back up plan to replace it. Why are we a country that doesn't guarantee affordable health care? It's ridiculous. We're one of the richest countries in the world and we can't even give our citizens affordable health care so excuse me if I think that my own human rights should not be up for discussion by our government. Work on the bigger issues at hand like the fact that Trump's approval rating is lower than Obama's. I'm just saying.
And even though this bill was reinstated, it won't stop the women in this country and all around the world from using our voices to oppose this. After all of these years of fighting for equal rights, I can't believe we still have to protest this nonsense. Shaking my head.