When I woke up the morning of November 9th to find out that Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States, I was shocked, disappointed and somewhat scared. As much as I don’t like the results, and think he’s extremely unfit to manage this country, America voted and I have to accept that. We all have to accept it. We’re fortunate enough to live in a country that gives us the choice to vote; it’s just unfortunate that our choices were deciding between the lesser of two evils.
Let me just say, I’m not worried about Trump. I think he’s done some pretty shitty things, like brag about sexual assault, claim that climate change is a hoax, scam students in his fake University, imitate a special needs reporter, not pay his federal taxes and claim bankruptcy 6 times, but hey, I mean, nobody’s perfect. Trump said what he said to say to get votes, and it clearly worked. I don’t think he’s that much of a racist misogynistic bigot, but in order to appeal to the racist misogynistic bigots in America, he had to act like one of them. Donald Trump is smart, well educated and pretty damn manipulative. He got what he wanted, and it worked.
Now I’m not saying only white racists voted for Trump, please do not misinterpret that. Over half of the electoral map was red and of those people that voted for him were women, people of color and members of the LGBT community. So don’t think I am generalizing all Trump supporters, because clearly there are a lot of them, and they were not all white supremacists. All I’m saying is that he said certain things to appeal to certain people. You have every right to vote for whom you want and I completely respect that, especially when you had to make the choice between the two. I totally understand if you like Trump over Hillary, but what I don’t understand is liking Trump without Hillary. Abraham Lincoln himself could have been up against Trump in this election and people would have still voted for Trump.
So let me repeat myself, it’s not Trump who worries me. It’s his supporters who worship the ground he walks on that worry me. It’s the people who have bumper stickers on their car of a confederate flag kicking a rainbow flag in the gut promoting Trump 2016 that worry me. It’s the people who attend Trump rallies suggesting we lynch journalists that worry me. It’s the guy wearing a “She’s a C*nt vote for Trump” shirt while standing next to his wife and kids that worry me. If you truly think Donald Trump is going to shut out all Muslims and Mexicans, and that he’s going to Make America “White” Again, you are the problem, not him. It’s the people that think Trump promotes white power and male dominance, then you are the issue, and what scares me about the future of this country.
I don’t think Donald Trump is going to ruin this country, but I think he has spewed enough hate amongst everyone to have America erupt the way it did when he was declared the next President of the United States. I am a democrat, and I was disappointed in the results, but I would never harass a republican or burn the American Flag, and I’m embarrassed that some of us did. Just like you may be a republican but you aren’t a racist misogynistic bigot. I am not generalizing all Trump supporters to be racists, just like I am not generalizing all the democrats to be disrespectful flag burners.
What’s done is done. Trump is our 45th president. It’s not ideal and it’s not something I would have ever imagined, but it’s just life. We can get through the next four years together and the world isn’t going to end or burst into flames or spontaneously combust once he enters the White House in January. Complaining about him on social media by posting the hashtag #NotMyPresident is absolutely ridiculous. No matter how much you protest, bitch and complain, nothing is going to change. He’s our next president, so deal with it. If you want to make a change, then do it. Stop sitting around. This should be a wake-up call to America that despite our differences, we have the option to Make America Great Again not because of who our president is, but because of who we are. Go change the world, don't wait for your president to do it for you.