Trump or Clinton? Most of the population of voters are torn between the two. There are, however, firm supporters of either Clinton or Trump. It’s humbling for me to admit that as I was originally leaning more towards Trump, I’ve had a change of heart regarding him. I never LOVED the idea of voting for Donald Trump, but between the two candidates, he seemed like the better option. But, then I watched him go from someone who just doesn't have a filter to someone who I’m embarrassed to have at the forefront of all new stations as the 2016 election draws near.
His unintelligence, maybe ignorance is a better word, became prevalent through the news conferences, interviews, and most recently, the first two presidential debates. I tried to get past the fact that he hasn't disclosed details of a solidified plan for his potential four or eight years as the leader of this country. All politicians are vague, right? While this is true, they tend to reveal even the smallest of tidbits about their plan to better the country. But, Trump thinks that his slogan of “Make America Great Again” will suffice to get him through. That and his father’s “small loan of a million dollars”. Shockingly, both have been enough to get him to this point. I can only assume that Trump supporters are continuing to support him because they want someone who doesn't sugar coat things, someone who has no filter. And while that’s a great mentality, and Trump may possess parts of those qualities, he also is quick to judge and quick to act. He isn't patient, and a successful president has to be patient. A lot of Trump supporters aren't really looking at who this man is, but rather who they think Hillary is. Hillary is no ray of sunshine, I realize that. But after learning more about Trump and Pence, she is now who I see as the better option. With research and an open mind, the two candidates can be seen with a different light, perhaps a brighter one. Don't just research the presidential candidates, research their running mates as well. They chose them for a reason. They deserve to be looked at with the same eye as the future president is. Many will argue that the VP isn’t nearly as important as the President and even though that it is a valid argument, the VP shouldn't have any red flags associated to them. The running mate of whoever you decide to vote for shouldn't have any major disagreements with what you believe in. I’m not talking minor things because everyone is bound to disagree with everyone at least about a few things. Mike Pence is a major red flag.
Researching and learning more about Mike Pence has put an end to my support of Trump over Clinton. Pence prides himself in being a Creationist, believing that the world was created through the divine works of biblical means, rather than through the proven reality of evolution. He claims to be Christian before anything else, he takes his religion to the next level and wants you to do the same. He doesn't believe that evolution is real and as a Biology major, basing my education off of this proven concept, I find it distasteful that a someone is trying to make the argument that evolution isn't real. I have no issue with him believing in what he does, but it becomes an issue when he starts talking about implementing his beliefs to the educational system. You might ask why his non-belief in evolution is important. How does this belief impact the way the country will head if Trump is President? If he doesn’t act on this intuition of his, then it won’t impact the country. However, because Pence has already been very vocal on his strong beliefs on this topic, it’s a lot more likely that he will try to act on this. He has already voiced his opinion on this implementation. What exactly does he think should happen with evolution being taught around the nation as a foundational topic in the life sciences? Stop teaching evolution and start teaching his Creationist beliefs. Public school systems are what he can target. With the President being Trump, you can’t say for certain that he can’t make it happen. If he plans to build a wall, he can plan to remove evolution from the curriculum in public school systems. Anything is possible with Trump and I say that with fear. His extremist ideals for the wall and for immigration, just to name a few, are frightening. I can’t speak on his so-called plan to “make America great again” because he hasn't disclosed any details about it. Either his great plan is so great that he doesn't want anyone to know about it, or he really has no idea how to make the country better… I’m leaning more towards the latter. Is “the wall” the foundation to his mastermind plan? If so, we’re screwed.
At this point in time, Hillary Clinton is ahead of Trump and now a new idea is trending: #RepealThe19th. Reports now show that if women were not allowed to vote in this upcoming election, then Donald Trump would win without a doubt. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote and now some women are stating that they would be willing to give up their right to vote in order for Trump to become President. However, reports also show that if men were not allowed to vote, then Clinton would win by a landslide. My question is why are we even looking into these statistics? Both men and women have the right to vote, so this is completely irrelevant. We live in a country where the President’s decisions have and will continue to affect both women and men, so let's not go back to the time in history where only men were given this right. It’s absolutely absurd that this conversation has begun and sparked attention. This election is definitely one that will go down in the history books, good or bad, you decide.
This election is a circus, so who do you want as the ringmaster?