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Trump On Women

His idea of making America great again doesn't seem to involve women.

Trump On Women

This election has been an extremely controversial topic among people my age and older. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear something about it; I wake up to my dad listening to it on the TV, debate with classmates at school, and usually end the day with it on the evening news. I previously had this idea that Trump wouldn’t have a chance because he’s been pretty much a laughingstock, but now I’m starting to get worried. People in my school and certain people I surround myself with genuinely support Trump, but don’t seem to understand his opinion on women. Trump has gone through three wives and had five kids and still doesn’t have the decency to respect women. In his eyes, women are placed on this Earth to do nothing but please and serve men, with no valid opinions of their own. Women for Trump should realize that with him in the White House, the leader of your country will be a man who is not an advocate for your rights.

In his eyes, women are objects that are incapable of making their own decisions and aren’t deserving of equal treatment. The idea that he wants to make abortion illegal, inhibiting women from making their own decisions, is quite appalling. Women have the right to decide what they do with their bodies as well as what grows inside of them. A country where the government controls a woman’s body is not “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” it is a representation of discrimination against a gender supposedly lesser than another. We, as a country, should be too advanced to even discuss control over a certain group of people, let alone an entire gender. Not only does he want to make abortion illegal, but he wants to punish those who do it in secrecy. Therefore, a woman could be trying to save her own life or spare a child she can't support from a miserable life, but instead, she can’t, because the thought of punishment terrifies her. There are millions of children in foster homes commonly neglected, and we continue to let the abuse go on, meanwhile abusing women's rights. Instead of worrying about the unborn, he should be considering those who are living and breathing and working for their lives and aren’t able to support themselves let alone another human being. The idea that prohibiting a woman from making her own decisions as to what to do with her own body is being discussed blows my mind.

Trump has a few things to say about my gender. I’ll start off with the worst tweet I’ve seen. It made me feel uncomfortable, violated, and absolutely disgusted.

If Trump thinks women and men put in the same social setting ends in sexual assault, maybe something is wrong with the sexual predators admitted into the US army rather than the issue being that the women are too appealing. Women in the military are putting their lives on the line just as much as the men are. Putting men and women together is not a ridiculous idea at all, so instead of complaining about women and men in the same social setting (like every single setting I’ve ever been in in my life), start taking action on those who commit the heinous crimes. Also, check your spelling, Mr. Trump. It’s “assault,” sir.

Not only does he ridicule women all over this country; he ridicules the women in his own family as well. He seems a little too fond of his own daughter, Ivanka. Sure, she is a beautiful woman, and it's valid for a father to think his daughter is beautiful, but he seems to be a little too much of a fan with this infamous quote: “If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." That's not only completely out of line, but undoubtedly disgusting. He later referred to her as “six feet tall with the best body.” I don’t know about Ivanka, but I would be terribly uncomfortable if my father said anything of that nature about me. Women seem to give Trump the confidence that drives his cocky personality. sDuring an interview with "Esquire" in 1991 he said, “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] writes as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” Because god forbid he gets a bad reputation, all he needs is a sexy girlfriend to tend to all of his desperate needs.

From calling a lawyer “disgusting” for breastfeeding a child, something every mammal on the planet does as a natural form of caring for their young, to assuming all women adore him because he’s “rich and powerful,” he is a misogynistic man with a skewed and pretty repulsive view of women in general. People for Trump all give me the same arguments: “I want change,” “I like his business ideas,” “He’s a great businessman.” But that’s the thing––he may be a great businessman and negotiator, but his qualities to perform as a politician are clearly questionable. A vote for him is a vote for lack of advancement on women’s rights and equality; we have come so far, and still have a way to go, and we can’t get there with a leader who will only lead a select group. We’re on the road to making America the greatest it’s ever been for women, so let’s not slow down the process with someone who thinks women don’t play a role in making America great again.

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