Trump is our president now and we have started our journey into a new era. I believe now would be a great time for some optimistic skepticism. Throughout the election cycle, I have been critical of Trump, I did not even vote for him on November 8th. Looking into the future we should be optimistic, though, for we have a republican-controlled house and senate. Former president Obama (I'm going to love saying that) has performed awfully domestically and has been disastrous on a foreign level. America wanted change and now we have it.
On Friday when Trump was sworn in, many leftists flooded the streets of D.C. to attempt to disrupt the inauguration. My favorite part is that they will cry fascism, yet I believe that they do not even know the definition of fascism. Our last great president, Ronald Reagan quoted someone in an interview stating that if fascism were to ever come to America, it would come in the name of liberalism. These protesters need to understand that if they want eight years of Trump, acting like entitled children throwing tantrums because they didn't get their way is one way to get more Trump.
The very next day after the inauguration was the Women's March where they were marching for something and mad about something. I do not care that I am a man giving my thoughts on it, and I am not going to "check my privilege". I need someone to please tell me one right that men have that women don't. I am only asking for one. I would also like to know why a group that represents all women excluded women who are pro-life. It is also hypocritical that one of the Women's March organizers supports sharia law and has ties to Hamas. The Women's March should be called Trump's Reelection Campaign instead. It has been full of hypocrisy and beta males.
The insanity from the left is driving people towards Trump. They will demonize those who supported him while chanting "Love Trumps Hate". The most divisive people have been those on the left and they have not learned their lesson yet. We all have a new president and we all need to allow ourselves to be open to the changes that will occur. We must criticize when necessary and give credit where credit is due. For the past 8 years, democrats have praised Obama on everything no matter how much damage his policies have caused. Republicans need to hold Trump's feet to the fire. I am going to be optimistic while also being skeptical of what lies ahead. You can throw your tantrums and scream "not my president" for however long you want, but honestly, suck it up and act like an adult.