Mr. President (cringing as I address you this way),
I have never been overly involved in politics. I know the basics and the current events relevant to my life. However, I am quite caught up in your presidency. I listen vigilantly to the news stories to be constantly reminded of your blatant bigotry. I watch out for the recent newscasts reporting on your presidency daily, because I'm scared. I fear for how you will change America for the worst. Your principles undermine the values that our founding fathers fought to instill in our great nation. It seems like our progressive country is only regressing under your leadership. Gay marriage was nationally legalized over a year ago, yet you oppose marriage equality. Clearly, you are behind in the times. It's time to catch up, buddy!
At least you embrace the cultures that make America so diverse...well, if this tweet can be considered embracing. Personally, I think it's offensive to generalize a race by an Americanized version of their culturally rich cuisine. You play a huge role in foreign policy so clearly you know what is considered culturally inappropriate; therefore, this must not be deemed offensive.
You want to Make America Great Again, but was America not a great place to begin with? Sure, there are flaws. There are flaws in every government. However, I think that your presidency is leading our country farther and farther away from being "great"...We must have different explanations of what a "great" country is.
Please listen to your people. If you are not representing our values, where is the sovereignty?
You may be able to run a business, but you surely are misplaced in the White House,
A Disappointed American