Why I'm So For The Trump DeVos Public School Budget Cuts | The Odyssey Online
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Why I'm So For The Trump DeVos Public School Budget Cuts

I mean, why do we need the Special Olympics, anyway?

Why I'm So For The Trump DeVos Public School Budget Cuts
Fox News

Just a heads up before continuing reading: I’m not sparing any ‘snowflakes’ feelings so proceed with caution.

News has struck about the DeVos and Trump budget cutting a sizable portion of funding from numerous programs like after-school programs, teacher training, the arts and the Special Olympics. Hold your gasps, because this is actually a really good thing for public schools. No, really, I’m serious.

Let’s start off with teacher training. Why on Earth do we need to train our teachers if they already went to college to be teachers? Shouldn’t they already know how to teach? I’m not paying taxes to have them be paid way less than they should be just so they can be trained even more. They should be taking that tiny salary and turning it into an opportunity to be the perfect teacher that never needs to evolve with the times!

Oh, you’re upset about the cutting of arts funding? Well, think about this: I knew this one guy once who never touched an instrument or a paintbrush in his entire life and now he’s a billionaire. Do you know who that guy was? Steve Jobs. I think. He might be dead now. Anyway, what I’m getting at here is children don’t need an outlet to express their ‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’ during their school day. They need to use every second of the school day to be focusing on important things that each of them will use every day of their lives like who that one general was in the Civil War or how to find the slope of a line.

Don’t even get me started on after-school programs. Let’s not support the lazy parents who don’t want to bring their kids with them to their second jobs that go on after the school day ends by taking care of their children for them. Children don’t need a strong foundation after-school that keeps them from getting into trouble, they need parents to stop relying on schools to supply that foundation while they’re at work! I shouldn’t be paying more in taxes to support lazy parenting.

Oh, I get it, you’re more upset about the Special Olympics getting a huge budget cut. But think about it, children with special needs already get underfunded specialty teaching programs in schools, why do they also need something that everyone else has the opportunity to experience? It’s selfish, that’s what it is. The government shouldn’t have to pay for something they can’t participate in, am I right?

If you’ve gone through this entire Tomi Lahren inspired journey thinking I’m serious and possibly even agree I’m going to need you to go straight to the closest beach and bury yourself so far under the sand that no one but the sand crabs can find you.

Let’s rewind and get really real. Trump and DeVos are both entirely unqualified to be speaking on the matter of public schools and what the funding should be for them. Not only are the budget cuts they’ve called for completely destructive for students right now, they’re setting the US up for huge trouble down the road.

The world is ever-changing and it’s so important for teachers to be trained regularly to keep up. Not only do we need to step up and pay them what they deserve for the tireless work they do, we also need to be paying to make sure they’re staying up to date on what they need to be to properly educate the working class of the future. The arts are so important for children to have an outlet for their stress and creativity, so defunding arts programs is absolutely ridiculous. We’re going to be raising stressed out walking anxiety robots instead of functioning and successful and creative citizens. Many voted for Trump because he promised to rid the US of illegal citizens that were obviously criminals, but he’s pushing for budget cuts to after-school programs that work to keep children from becoming criminals in the future. So he’ll rid the US of immigrant ‘criminals’ but so graciously create legal criminals in our country. It’s nice to know he’s okay with criminals as long as they’re not Mexican or Muslim (did I say that?). I shouldn’t even need to explain why the budget cut of the Special Olympics is despicable.

This isn’t a death sentence to the funding of public schools, ladies and gentlemen. Make your voice heard, don’t stay silent. The more people speak out and the louder we are, the more they’ll have to listen. We can’t let the stink of stupidity of those in power ruin our country.

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