As a potential journalist, it is my duty to remain objective in my writing, and unbiased in social media. Disclosing my personal beliefs and opinions, like my religious status and political views, on social media has the potential to be incredibly damaging to my credibility. Given the current political climate, however, I am willing to make an exception. I’m going to make an exception and examine the biggest reason why I despise Donald Trump. In a time when the earth is dying, suffocating on the gases and refuse produced by the human race, our President-Elect adamantly refuses to acknowledge climate change and take action to alleviate the effects it has on the environment.
It used to be that when something was scientifically proven, there was no disputing it. Apples fall off of trees because of gravity, you say? All right, sounds fine to me. Fire needs oxygen to burn? I see no problem there. Climate change is melting the ice caps, increasing ocean temperatures, and wiping out species all over the world? Blasphemy! Pseudoscience! Witchcraft! Humans don’t have to change their ways and find cleaner sources of energies and replant forests and repopulate species. That’s ludicrous. Why shouldn’t we keep burning coal and chopping down trees and hunting whales? Capitalism is more important than the paranoid whining of a bunch of tree-hugging liberals. Doesn’t this sound insane, and familiar? I know why. This is the mentality Donald Trump and his cabinet have.
Trump is trying to run the country like it’s a business, and I wouldn’t have a problem with that if it didn’t affect environmental policy. When you’re running business, your main priority is to profit, to ensure the long-term success of that business, which means that environmental responsibility takes a back seat. Trump is more concerned about reducing debt, making money, and making China and Russia happy rather than addressing the issues that could compromise the future of the human race. It’s reckless and idiotic, and that should not be the temperance of the world leader.