Throughout this entire election, I have been constantly bombarded by the same phrase time and time again from Trump supporters. "All Trump does is say mean things." I have lost count of the times I have heard it.Trump does a lot more than just "say mean things". He has unlocked the racism that was still buried within the deep underbelly of American culture. He has fostered a culture of racism and intolerance. Now, just because you endorse Trump doesn't make you a racist. But it is extremely ignorant to deny the new emergence of racism under a Donald Trump campaign.
Trump's comments have allowed a culture of racism and sexism to flourish in this country. It excuses people assaulting minorities. It excuses people using disgusting language against women and minorities. He directly fed into the racist idea that immigrants are here to rape women, but simultaneously demonstrates that he has little respect he has for women. Even if some of the more bigoted things against Muslims and Mexicans haven't come straight from The Donald's mouth, he certainly has done nothing to distance himself from those comments or to rebuke them. When a candidate refuses to rebuke the endorsement of David Duke and condemn him, there is no way you can deny that he has allowed a culture of racism under his campaign and in this country.
When Hillary used the phrase "basket of deplorables" you were all up in arms and got super offended. And, while Hillary didn't necessarily apologize, she did say she regrets making broad, sweeping generalizations. Hillary has definitely said and done some controversial things over the course of her long political career, but she has usually apologized afterward. Trump, however, typically doubles down on his comments. Plus, Trump has said things much worse than the "basket of deplorables", but when people get angry at Trump's comments, you get upset with this "PC culture" and "easily offended liberals" despite the fact you get just as offended. Yes, Hillary has said negative things in the past, things I can and do criticize her for, but she apologizes for her actions, the way a true leader should when they realize they're wrong. True strength is not doubling down; true strength is having the capacity to admit when you are wrong.
You can call me overly-PC if you want to, I don't care. I know where I stand. I could tell you about my commitment to academic freedom over political climate; I could give you all the criticism I have for overly-offended wing of the left, but will that matter? At the end of the day, because I'm liberal, I'm obviously some sort of rabid SJW getting offended over everything, right? Criticism of a candidate and an attack on a candidate are two different things. Likewise, criticizing a candidates words and actions does not equate to getting offended at said words and actions. Political correctness is not the problem here.
Trump has said some pretty egregious things. Things that go way beyond the decency we should expect out of our President. I am well aware of the fact that guys will talk about their sexual conquests with each other, and yes, it can get quite lewd sometimes. But, no man with even an iota of moral fiber should sit back while his friend discusses how he can grope and kiss women, using his fame to coerce women into fulfilling his desires, whether or nor they're actually comfortable with it. The fact that Trump tries to categorize this as "locker room talk" should insult every good man in this great nation.
Yes, Bill Clinton had his problems too, and if he were the Democratic candidate, I'd be just angry with him. But he's not running, Hillary is. Don't criticize Hillary for the actions of Bill. If you're going to criticize Hillary, criticize her for her own statements and actions, not her husband's.Yes, throughout history, politicians, be they liberal or conservative have said things that insulted and demeaned certain groups in America. However, it is our responsibility as a people to move forward, something Mr. Trump clearly has not learned how to do.
I have quite often stated that I am not Hillary Clinton's biggest fan. I do not think she was the right choice for the Democratic nomination. But I cannot risk putting a man who thrives with the endorsement of David Duke into the most powerful position in the world. I cannot and I will not. Remember, not every Trump supporter is a bigot; I know Trump supporters that are good, nice people. When they look at Trump, they see a man with a populist message going up against the establishment. That may very well be true, but his, and your, refusal to acknowledge the growth of bigoted culture is what makes people in America, and around the world, grow resentful of what was once the shining beacon of liberty.