We all know what this election is coming down to; it is going to be between Trump and Hillary. Yes, I am aware of the "green party" candidates, but honestly, they have no chance whatsoever. I myself, am a Republican. So let's get started. We all know about Trump being the most controversial candidate, but do we know the reason for this? In my personal opinion, it's got more to do with him being a Republican than anything, but we need to address the fact that in 2 of his books that I have been reading, The Art of the Deal and Crippled America, he says,"One thing I've learned about the press is that they're always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better. It's in the nature of the job, and I understand that. The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you." He says this in his book The Art of the Deal. He, in my opinion, is basically saying how the press can actually help you regardless of if it is negative attention or positive attention. In my opinion, he utilized this in the beginning of his speeches to get the word out. Let's be honest here, he has taken a much more serious approach as time has moved on. The problem is that anyone who uses this strategy with utilizing the press, they will never just stop. Trump has continued to get negative news, even for something that can be perceived as him doing a little exaggerating. They will fact check EVERY little thing he says. Now here's another problem I don't like, Hillary was basically spoon fed the Democratic nomination.
Just look at her super delegates during the primaries. Plus, we can't forget that she is worth much more than Bernie was, so she could have easily paid people off to rig the system. I mean come on, She has 30,000 emails deleted, Benghazi,mMedical issues, and she has even said "We are going to raise taxes on the middle class." How can people cheer for that? I know it was a mistake, but come on that's just pure stupidity on her end.
The media will not report her like they report Trump. They have been the real impact on this election, they're probably the biggest factor in this election. Trump is probably one of the most honest politicians who will "Tell it like it is." His tax plan will actually decrease tax on the middle class, not only that, but our tax dollars will be put to good use. He wants to build a stronger military with better weapons that aren't 50-100+ years old. He wants to get rid of ISIS, (actually get rid of them, not blame all of the problems on guns) He also wants to have better roads. Basically what I'm saying is that he actually does have a great plan on what he will do with the tax dollars. He is a business man, a very successful one I might add. He has owned 400+ businesses, so before you want to say "But they went bankrupt," you need to remember that for one man to own 400+ businesses takes a lot of money. What I'm getting at is that he will make sure your tax dollars are put to good use instead of being wasted.
Another thing that Trump wants is better trade deals, let's be honest here, how many things in the United States say "Made in China"? Yes, it is a lot. He wants to have free trade and he wants to see more items in the USA say "Made in the USA". We owe China trillions of dollars and we can't let that number continue to increase. In conclusion, I am going to say this; if you are voting, please don't let the media decide who you want to vote for, you need to do more research. Even if that means hours of it. You have to remember a lot of the media you are seeing is predominantly biased and liberal. You need to look at multiple sources from both parties before deciding who to vote for. I have personally taken Trump's side (surprise surprise).
Thank you for reading. GET ON BOARD THE TRUMP TRAIN!