This election cycle started out with such promise: Kasich, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Jeb, and Bernie. They all had their appeal. Somehow we ended up with two candidates that neither side is fully in support of. The GOP isn’t a fan of Trump, but the people are. The people are not a fan of Hillary, but the DNC sure was (enough to break their own rules to get her the nomination).
I’m so ready to see a female president, I’m so ready to see a non-politician president, but let me be clear: I do not support either one of them.
I was looking forward to this election cycle. I was so excited, I would tell people, “I’m so happy that, this year, it doesn’t look like we have to pick ‘the lesser of two evils.’ We will have decent candidates; debates will be amazing.” Of course, this didn’t happen.
I’ve heard that I’m a terrible liberal for not liking Hillary, and that I should support her because of the evils that Trump has up his sleeve. I’ve heard that I’m a terrible American for not supporting Trump and allowing a criminal to take office. I’ve heard a bunch of things, but it all comes down to the fact that they both scare the living shit out of me.
Reasons Trump is terrifying:
- The Wall: Donald Trump wants to build a physical wall to keep Mexicans from entering the United States illegally through our shoddy-at-best border. He does not take into account sea and air travel, nor does he address human trafficking concerns. What scares me the most? There has been no study on the ecological impact this will have on the area.
- He Won’t Keep His Mouth Shut: First, I understand this is why many people are a fan of Donald Trump; he speaks his mind and doesn’t use politician talk to cover up everything. On a personal note, I’m terrified that he is going to use that mouth of his to get us into a lot of trouble with other foreign leaders. His comments about Muslims, women, disabled people, Blacks and Mexicans upset me a great deal, too.
- He’s Not a Politician: Yes, I did say I’m ready for a non-politician president, but this man doesn’t understand policy, or doesn’t seem to at all. He speaks with little insight to what existing policy says, and doesn’t say how he plans on changing things. The Donald lacks the relationships with foreign leaders, the understanding of preexisting policy and the ability to have the time necessary to be Commander in Chief.
- I’m Pretty Sure He Lost a Bet and Had to Run as Punishment: It doesn’t make sense otherwise.
Reasons Hillary is terrifying:
- She Might be a Criminal: I say “might” only because I have no idea what those e-mails said. I use this as a reason that she is terrifying because FBI director James Comey said that if anyone else had been subject to the circumstances that Hillary was, there would be criminal charges brought upon them.
- She Flip Flops: In one instance, she has said that she does support undocumented people (illegal aliens) holding valid state-issued drivers licenses if the state has a policy of such, however, she does not wish to support this as a president. In 2014, she said that same-sex-marriage is a state issue, she now holds that it is a Supreme Court issue. I don’t want some lady to tell me one thing, then change her mind the next day; this is terrifying to me.
- $600,000 from Goldman Sachs: Hillary Clinton says that we need an economy that will work for everyone, not just a few at the top, but can we really believe that this is her stance when she collected more than $600,000 from Goldman Sachs in speaking fees? Politicians, celebrities, public figures, etc. get paid to talk to groups all the time, but it’s very fishy that she will not release the transcripts, and she claims to be against these people.
The question remains if a third party candidate would be any better. Jill Stein is a progressive’s dream candidate, but she probably doesn’t stand a chance. Gary Johnson an angel-made-in-heaven for your fed-hating, tiny-government loving conservatives, but again, probably doesn’t stand a chance.
Are you going to pick the lesser of two evils, or are you going to attempt to throw everything off with a third party candidate?