Well, yet again the Presidential Race has taken yet another childish turn, as both candidates can’t help but name call and avoid actually answering any questions. Although each candidate seems to lack every imagined quality that comes with being the President of the United States, none seem to fall quite so hard as Donald Trump. If you have internet access or a pulse, you’ve likely heard the utterly disgusting and sexist comments spewed from the mouth of the Republican Nominee. However, matters went from bad to worse when Tomi Lahren interjected her opinion into the mix. In fact, it might be Tomi’s views herself that prove more damaging and detrimental than Trump’s.
Recap: I despise Tomi Lahren…but, not for the reason you may think. To Tomi’s credit she broke through a primarily male dominated industry and secured herself a successful position as a news commentator. You go girl! However, the issue arises when Tomi begins to open her mouth. When Trump’s leaked audio files surfaced to mainstream media, Tomi rather chooses to ignore that blatant sexism spilling from Trump’s pie whole and, instead, dubs it as a “minor character flaw,” stating that sexual assault doesn’t “affect everyday life.” Well #sorrynotsorry because you are wrong.
According to the Center for Disease Control, one in five college-age women will experience sexual assault during their academic career. In fact, in 2012, Politico published an article stating that out of every 1,000 rape cases reported, only six end in actual conviction. So while sexual assault may not affect everyday life for Tomi Lahren, for many of us, it does. Tomi has beautiful platform laid before her to open a dialogue about sexual abuse and to be a voice for the voiceless; instead, she chooses to bash Hillary Clinton and swear that Trump really isn’t that bad of a guy.
Again, in Tomi’s defense, she brought up some wonderful points about the hypocrisy present within the political world. Trust me, I’m just a frustrated as you are. The bigger picture that surrounds Trump’s comments is that Tomi’s apathy to the issue asserts it’s a-oh-kay. The reason why Trump made such extreme and degrading comments towards women, is because he believes they are true. He believes that grabbing women’s genitals is perfectly acceptable. More still, he is but a perpetrator of a generalized mindset that women are made for man’s pleasure. Trump fully adorns the ideal that women are disposable; a concept likely founded in fear of the feminine. And he’s right to be afraid because most women in this country want to kick his overly tanned ass. The systemic issues of sexism and sexual assault are rooted in the global repression of femininity as a whole; a concept, in which Trump’s rhetoric AND actions endorse.
I wish for a world where women could unite in attempts of stopping the sexual abuse done to our sisters and daughters. Instead, people like Tomi Lahren choose to ignore disturbing slurs and become part of the problem. To clarify, you cannot do whatever you want to women because you are famous. You can’t do anything you want to women without their consent. The fact that our country is actually considering Donald Trump to be the Commander and Chief of the United States alludes that America is ok with this kind of behavior. Tomi clearly is; I, however, am not.
I’m not Hillary’s biggest fan either, but it has recently come to my attention that the general populist would much rather focus on Hillary’s error and vote for Trump because he is a Republican. I get it, if you’re a true Christian you have to vote red otherwise you’ll go to hell, the Bible says it. But if you give Trump your vote, you become part of the growing epidemic of hating women. A strong word, but true. Trump says extreme things because he believes them…electing him is just approving that stance. Plot twist, being a Christian means supporting and loving everyone. If you honestly think Trump embodies this stance, then we need to stop pretending that your objections are religious.
Tomi Lahren could be shining example of a successful woman doing her part to help those around her. Instead, she chooses to ignore the comments of sexual assault given by your possible future President. Women in the world are under attack. Whether having acid poured on them for wanting an education, or being raped because a skirt was too short, the only way to change this progression is to speak up. So in the words of Tomi, no, I refuse to “shut the hell up.” I refuse to watch as women and men alike push back the feminist movement. I refuse to stand by and watch as others continue to vomit ignorance about a sexist presidential candidate; I will do everything in my power to reverse the current climate of sexism by refusing to believe that Trump’s comments are a “minor character flaw,” or remotely acceptable. They aren’t.