Abortion. It’s wrong. I’ve always been taught it’s wrong. I’ve always been taught that’s mistakes like pregnancy don’t happen.
I’ve always been told that it’s no different than murder.
I’ve grown up Catholic. My family and I would attend church almost every Sunday and I went to Religious Education classes. The classes taught me my morals early on. So when the topic of abortion sparked debate, it didn’t take me long to know my stance.
When I think of pregnancy, I think of the brightness the future holds. I think of innocence.
The innocence of the unborn child whose soul is itching to experience the beauties of Earth. The innocence of the mother, who has excitement of the all the things their child will see, experience, and feel. Their child may be a future president, an astronaut, a dancer, or the next Bill Gates. They won’t know for awhile, but they acquire the innocence of oblivion as soon as they see the positive sign on their pregnancy test.
There is underlying beauty in that.
Terminating the innocence of both sides is difficult. I know that I will never deprive my child’s soul of experiencing the beauties of the world. I know that I will never prevent my child’s soul of the feelings of waking up on Christmas morning, having their first kiss, getting an A on the test they studied hard for.
I will never, ever take the bare minimum away from my child: life.
Although I think strongly of this, I don’t think I would ever push my morals on other people. Other people that I don’t even know.
While driving past my local supermarket the other day, I saw many disturbing pictures. They were a soaring five feet high and displayed murdered embryos and fetuses.
Who really wants to see that?
I’ll admit, I admire the protesters for their bravery and passion that persuaded them to protest something as controversial as abortion. But, I disagree with their prevention strategies; mostly because they don’t know the stance of the people seeing them.
I know that the protesters are trying to terminate abortion for the world. I wanted that to be a goal at one point in my life too. But as I learned about the topic more in school, my perception on the procedure altered. Instead of feeling anger and offended for the women, I feel sympathy.
One activity I read in class was the stance of multiple women who went through the procedure of abortion. I told my teacher that it made me mad when we had to read this, but I ended up learning a lot.
Many women who go through with abortion have good reasonings. It's not always just “a teen who was dumb and got knocked up."
Some women get pregnant with a man that wanted to play a role in the child’s life but was a very abusive man. Some women got pregnant through a horrific rape. Some women got pregnant with a baby who would have multiple seizures daily and would never be able to do anything on their own.
Should these women still give their child’s soul a chance on Earth when they know their quality of life will be terrible? Earth is a beautiful thing, but it also has many poisons. Unfortunately, the good does not always outweigh the bad. Some women have to make a huge decision very early on. They never said it wasn’t a complicated, dreaded situation.
There are many choices people have to make in life.
They aren’t always the decisions that will make us happiest, but maybe they are for the better. I don’t think it is right to have abortions. I don’t think I ever will. But I understand the reasonings behind the people that do.
Next time, before you give them all your anger and hatred, remember that it isn’t easy for them all the time either. You don’t know the full, true story of everyone.