Many people spend so much of their time looking for "the one." The truth of the matter is, there is more than just one person that truly gets you, and they're not always the people who you'd generally think of as soul mates.
They pick you up when you are down or feeling crappy.
They know all of your favorite foods and eat them with you.
They know how to compliment you.
They will fight anyone who hurts you.
They keep you smiling, nonstop.
They will stay in with you even when they want to go out.
They even hold your hair back when you've had too much.
They are always excited to see you.
You can act 100 percent yourself around them (no matter how weird that may be).
They know weird facts about you that no one should ever know.
These types of soul mates are your best friends, whether they are from childhood or college, and they can never be replaced.