There are many tell-tale signs that you're sassier than the average person. There is a term that is used to describe that kind of individual and that term is most commonly known as "sasshole." That just means that you sassier than most of your friends and you've always been that way. Here are a few things you know to be extremely true if you yourself are in fact a "sasshole."
1. You were born sassy.
You've heard the stories from your parents, siblings, family members, and long-time family friends- you were full of sass before you could even hold your head up. When you could finally talk, it basically went downhill from there because you were finally able to speak your mind. When you were able to walk, you didn't just learn to put one foot in front of the other; Oh no, you completely adopted "the walk." You were strutting down the hallway while your diaper swished in the wind.
2. Your honesty comes off as being mean.
When people ask for your opinion, you give them just that: your opinion. You don't care if it's not the one they want to hear and you certainly don't sugarcoat anything. You give your honest opinion at all times, even in the rare occasion that technically no one asked.
3. Your sass "snowballs."
There is really no other way to describe when your sass derails than to describe it as a snowball. It starts off as one thing and before you know it, you have lost total control of your mouth.
4. Your sarcasm is unparalleled.
There is absolutely no comparison to be made against your sarcasm. Not only is sarcasm second-nature for you, but you have completely mastered the ancient art of satire so well that people have to actually ask you if you're being sarcastic or not.
5. You are stubborn.
You are going to not only do what you need to do, but you are going to do it the way you need it to be done. You do things simply because people have said that you can't. After completing said task, you make it a point to make sure your doubters know that you not only completed the task but succeeded.
6. Insults are a way of flirting.
Typically, girls show that they like someone through flirty touches or blushing while giggling. However, we show our affection by roasting the person we are interested in and if we are feeling extra spicy, we may even throw in a shoulder slap.
7. You're witty.
You always have the first
8. You talk with your hands excessively.
It's not enough to just talk to someone, you have to literally flail your appendages around to really emphasize the dramatic story you are telling. Between the flailing of your arms and the constant snapping of your fingers, you sometimes have to repeat your story because your flying of your extremities was so distracting, absolutely nobody knows what you said.
9. You are not scared of confrontation.
If you are bothered by something, there is literally nothing stopping you from going up and telling that person how you truly feel. You feel that you shouldn't have to hide how you feel to spare someone else's feelings. However, there is a difference between being confrontational and just plain rude. Although you walk the very thin line, you never teeter onto the rude side, you just stay sassy.
10. You are constantly warned about your mouth.
As a kid, your Mom would tell you "your mouth is going to get in in trouble one day, now stop." Then you grew up a little and around 13, your Mom would yell at you to "watch your mouth." Now you are in your twenties and you still get "the glare" from your Mom when your mouth is a little too much. Basically, you just need a little sign around you that reads" Caution: sassy at all times. " to warn others.
Being sassy is one thing, embracing your sassiness is another. If you can relate to any one of these things, you are oficially a sasshole. Welcome to the club.