Though they'd never give way to the unloving reality that the show may bring, I've started to catch on. The words they say have entirely different meanings than we'd think; after this, you won't be able to watch in the same way again.
1. "On this journey..."
Are you on a journey to find your true love? Or is this a road that'll lead you to fame, Instagram followers, and a chance to promote teeth whiteners?
2. "We have this amazing connection."
You won't hear anyone say this unless they had been making out the entire night. Because the strength of a connection is directly correlated to the length of the make out sessions.
3. "I'm excited about her/him."
They realized the person they talked to was pretty cool but will probably send them home within the next two episodes. They should've had a better "connection."
4. "I don't even know why I'm here."
The only reason this chick is complaining is because she's currently not having a conversation with Nick (or whoever the bachelor may be). She really means, "Why isn't he paying more attention to me?"
5. "We just have so much chemistry."
Chemistry is code for "I want to have sex with them" and "Chris Harrison, where the F is my fantasy suite card? Whatever...I'll just make my own (I'm looking at you, Kaitlyn and Nick)."
6. "Soul searching..."
Usually going hand-in-hand with being "on this journey," soul searching means nothing. When Brad Womack was the bachelor for the second time, he used this phrase in every interview he gave. In his case, it means that he still couldn't find a woman in between his seasons so he became desperate.
7. "This will be the most dramatic episode of "The Bachelor/Bachelorette" yet."
You can thank Chris Harrison for this phrase. After saying for nine consecutive episodes that each was the most dramatic, he murdered the word. Dramatic means nothing anymore. It's now a lazy attempt at marketing for the show.
8. "This will be the most controversial episode of "The Bachelor/Bachelorette" yet."
See number seven if you have any confusion. Once again...thanks, Chris.
9. "Can I steal you for a second?"
The contestants say this on the outside but, on the inside, they're gloating and thinking, "Bye, b*itch."
10. Being there for the right reasons.
There are always a couple contestants that are too young (COUGH—Corinne) or just seem ingenuine in their intentions. The second the house suspects that a person isn't there for the right reasons, they will have an episode basically dedicated to sh*t talking about that bachelor or bachelorette.
11. "I have a really hard time opening up to people."
What did you expect coming onto the show? "You like the color blue? Me too! Let's get married." No. This phrase hints that they are probably just waiting for the right time to share their story, attempting to become the front runner.
12. "That was the hardest decision I've ever had to make."
This is often said by the bachelor or bachelorette right before they're laughing and clinking champagne glasses with attractive contestants surrounding them thirty seconds later.
13. "I really think my wife/ husband is in this room."
Damn, youz a 10.
14. "I didn't come here to make friends."
That girl had been thinking up ways to be the known villain on the season since she was told she was going to be on the show.
Catch all these cliche sayings and more while you watch the trainwrecks we all love, "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette".