"Unconditionallove is known as affection without any limitations, it can also be love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, or complete love. Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love which has no bounds and is unchanging."
I never truly understood "unconditional love" until my grandmother passed away. I love her more than words can express, but I did not really know what that meant until her funeral. I remember telling my husband, "That's what unconditional love is...even though I can not physically be with or see my grandmother, that does not change my love for her, nor her love for me."
This type of love reminds me of the expression, A MOTHER'S LOVE. No matter the situation or circumstance, an average mother's love sees no limits when it comes to her child. She would do anything for her child and sometimes it does lead into whenever they become an adult and eventually a parent. From my own experience with my son, unconditional love never changes.
This is the same love as God gives to us, His children. Parents are able to see how God loves us by experiencing a moment of it with their own children.
So, I encourage you all to cherish your mothers. This may be a constant theme for me in my posts, but I can not stress it enough. Your mothers/grandmothers/stepmothers are not always going to be there, whether it is with a situation or dealing with life. CHERISH every second, ever moment, every defeat, every victory.
You only have but a moment with them.
- A Mother Knows.