Everywhere I go I hear the word tolerance.
The literal definition of tolerance is "The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with."
I think quite a few of us have forgotten what this word means. I hear it all around me, you need to tolerate this, tolerate that. We need to be tolerant.
I definitely agree with this.
So why aren't you tolerant of me?
Why do I feel afraid to voice my beliefs for fear of being repressed, being told I'm wrong, or being told that I am the intolerant one?
Why is it that every time I hear someone make a comment that maybe Trump isn't so bad they are immediately challenged with "facts" that seem to only play to one side of the story? I don't agree with everything Trump has done, and I know I won't agree with everything he's going to do. But I do think he is going to do the best he can.
Now the last two elections, I will admit it, Obama was not my first choice.
But I was still proud of him. Yes, it is possible to be proud of someone you don't choose. He held his head up high and he did the best he could for his terms.
So why can't we all stand behind Trump? Why can't we truly tolerate each other?
We may not agree on some beliefs, but that doesn't mean we can't agree on other things. Your political stance doesn't really matter to me, and frankly, it's none of my business. You do you, but all I'm asking is that you let me be me. If I make a comment, let it slide, and I will do the same for you, because I know you have your own thoughts and way of doing things. And you know what? That's okay. That's what makes this whole country of ours turn. We need that diversity, something we seem to have forgotten.
It's time to let bygones be bygones and realize that we are all Americans and that we are all in this together. My final request is that you respect my views, just as I respect yours.