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True Love Conquers All

Why interracial relationships are awesome

True Love Conquers All
Alexis Wohler -Facebook

Some people will always question why people are dating outside of their race. There will always be stigmas against people dating different races, but the important thing to know is that, it doesn’t matter what other people think of your relationship. What matters, is the love you and your significant other share. I always say it doesn't matter who people date ,as long as there is no abuse (verbal, mental, emotional or physical) and both people are happy. Many interracial relationships are often stronger than same race relationships.

Some of the ways interracial couples are stronger include:
1. They go through much more adversity based on who they're dating and their looks, race, ethnicity.
2. Interracial couples learn to withstand the constant stares that people give them when they are together in public.
3. Interracial couples can change people's opinions of love by explaining their love story.
4. Interracial couples are hotter than same race couples.
5 interracial couples make adorable babies.

6. Interracial couples can help others realize that they shouldn’t be so quick to pass judgement, on anyone.

7. Interracial couples have to have thicker skin when dealing with racist comments or people. They have to learn to let it slide.
8. Both people get to learn from and with each other, because of their different experiences as individuals.

Interracial couples must learn to walk through much adversity and let love be the conqueror of all things, despite what may be thrown at them.

Interracial couple are exposed to new ways of thinking and it’ll only helps their love grow stronger against any diversity they may face.

There is also incorporating different aspects of culture with a significant other’s culture/race/religion into daily life. It can be a fun way to learn new things about you or your partner's life.

Both parties have many opportunities to become stronger in what they believe.

There is nothing quite like having an incredible experience with someone you love and respect.

But then there is the family issue, that can easily arise. Either of the parties family members may not approve of or like the person you are with. It is your choice to date who you want to date and the feelings that your family or your significant other’s family may have towards your relationship shouldn’t matter. It can be very hard to get past the pain of people on one or both sides hurting you though, just because of who you’re dating.

Being in an interracial relationship myself for almost six years, has given me a lot of time to think about how I react to the specific things mentioned above.

My boyfriend and I love to spend time together. We have learned to deal with questions being thrown at us, racist comments and other mean things. We’ve only gotten stronger through all of the adversity that was meant to tear us apart.

Honestly, I don’t know where I’d be without him by my side. I’ve never seen him as black and he has never seen me as white. Yeah, our skin colors are different, but, man are we beautiful together. We both say we fell in love with each other because of our personalities and our faith, not because we were of different races. It is sometimes hard, but we stand with each other through it. People have said we make a great couple, more often than saying negative things. We love each other, dwell on the good times, and that’s all that matters. We know God will help us through whatever comes our way.

Never give up on your happiness. Never give up on the one you love. Strive for happiness together. Remember, true love conquers all!

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