1. You refresh your weather app hourly.
Sometimes it’s 70 degrees in January. Sometimes it snows in May. And, hey, you might get a random tornado/hailstorm every so often. You just need to be prepared.
2. Husker football season is unlike anything else.
Don’t leave the house on a Saturday in September if you’re not wearing red. And don’t drive downtown unless you’re headed straight for Memorial Stadium.
3. You probably participated in the Mayor’s Run at some point in elementary school.
Whether you loved or hated running, there’s nothing like showing some elementary school pride as you made your way around the state capitol with your parents.
4. And you definitely went on at least one field trip to Morrill Hall.
The lifelike animal structures satisfied your adventurous childhood spirit, but you hadn't lived until you went to the gift shop and dug for fossils.
5. And the Sheldon Museum of Art.
If I had a nickel for every time our teachers told us not to touch the paintings, I would probably have about forty-five cents.
6. And when you were a kid, you almost certainly dared your friends to say "Star City Shores" five times fast.
And you waited for them to meet their sudden doom. (Try it, you'll see).
7. People out of state don’t believe you when you tell them you don’t live on a farm.You also don’t ride a tractor to school, and you probably can’t see cornfields from your house. And, believe it or not, wifi exists in Nebraska, too.
8. You live for Runzas.
Do not judge this delicious pocket of ground beef, onions, and cabbage until you've tried one. It's a Nebraskan staple, especially after Husker football games and on "Temperature Tuesdays" in the winter.
9. And hamburger pizza.
Hamburger? On Pizza? Yes, it may sound bizarre, but yes, it tastes absolutely heavenly.
10. And chili with cinnamon rolls.
From the moment we tasted this delicacy in our school lunches, we fell in love. Again, do not judge unless you have tried it.
11. Kindness is always on display in your city.
When you step outside your house, you better be prepared to smile and wave at everyone you encounter, and in doing so, the world seems a little brighter. People in Lincoln rarely stray from the "Nebraska Nice" attitude (even though the state slogan will always remain "The Good Life" in your heart).
12. There's no place in the country quite like Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lincoln is a hidden gem of the American Midwest, with its unique culture and widespread quirks. Without a doubt, I am proud to call Lincoln, Nebraska my hometown.
Go Big Red.