Sleep is a wonderful thing. Even as an insomniac I love to sleep. If napping was considered a sport, I would win the gold medal. However, I sleep through a lot of important or fun things. To be completely honest, I missed the first time Odyssey called me because I was asleep. Luckily, I was able to call them back and it all worked out but that is not always the case.
I often wake up to multiple texts and social media notifications. Sometimes I wake up to multiple missed calls. Now most of the time they're not extremely important, just a friend or something. Other times, like the Odyssey call, they're important and I kick myself for sleeping through it. Although, missing the unimportant calls is bad too.
I miss out on a lot of fun times with my friends by sleeping through their texts. When going to the dining hall for lunch or dinner we always text someone to go with us. Unfortunately, I have had to eat alone because I was asleep when they texted me. I wouldn't say that sleep controls my life or that I sleep too much, I just sleep at the wrong times. I didn't even start napping until I started college.
My body uses at least three times the energy a normal person does because of some health issues I have. This causes me to get exhausted easily, especially when I am having to pull all nighters like a normal college student. When I get exhausted I get very sick. By adding naps to my schedule on some days, my bad body days decreased. Now my body is just used to getting that much sleep.
I have tried to fix my sleeping schedule, but as an insomniac that is not an easy task. Yes, I take sleeping pills but they do not always work and I am up most the night. Then, of course, I sleep most the day. Alarms rarely work. However, if I make it a very loud annoying sound my brain seems to think it is my dorms fire alarm, which I have heard a lot. I completely wake up to that but it also scares me. It is unfortunately a loose loose situation. Most people in my life have begun to understand that I am not purposely ignoring them. I still feel bad for it.
Sleeping all day sounds great, in theory. However, by doing so I miss out on a lot. Don't get me wrong, a nap every now and then is needed in everyone's life. Sleep can fix most problems or at least give you a break from them. Just don't let sleep keep you from living your life. No one needs to miss important phone calls or plans with their friends. If you have a sleep schedule, stick to it no matter what. Now, back to sleep for me. We all know I just woke up to write this.