130 people died in Paris last week from terrorists
40 plus people were killed in suicide attacks in Beirut, one was 14
21 people, out of 170 hostages, were killed on Friday at the Radisson in Mali
ISIS is threatening the United States and the White House
And yet, log on to Facebook or the Yahoo! News scroll bar and see that Kylie Jenner dumped Tyga on his birthday... or "What The Stars Wore To The AMAs".
In a time where the world is so dysfunctional, dangerous, and deadly, I can't help but feel really upset, disappointed even that all Facebook cares about is what a supermodel was wearing on the streets of LA. Is it not important enough that 130 innocent souls were taken from this earth? Apparently not Facebook. And honestly, nobody gives a shit that Kylie Jenner may or may not have dumped Tyga. I, along with numerous others, want to know more about Brussels and how they are stepping up their security across the country due to terrorist threats. I want to be enlightened about hearing how a man's life has now been changed due to a full face transplant. I want to be inspired by his smile on his new face and impassioned by his new strength.
So, Meghan Trainor; congrats on kissing Charlie Puth. I read that it was the most awkward moment of the night.
Nicki Minaj, I'm glad you found some new found fame with your reaction to Jennifer Lopez's performance.
Demi Lovato, great dress choice.
But WAIT! What's that down at the verrrrrrrrrrry bottom of Facebook's trending bar? Oh yeah.
16 injured at shooting at a playground in New Orleans.
Or.... Woman charged with first degree murder after allegedly killing son.
2 brothers have been fatally shot at park in Los Angeles.
Edmonton County officials are searching for a man who has been missing since Thursday in Mammoth Cave National Park.
If the Bataclan Theater doesn't ring a bell for you but celebrity news is fresh on your mind, I invite you to rethink your actions and news on Facebook. Yeah, it's great that famous people do great things and live their lives but lets take a moment to remember the people who will never be famous for what they wear because they've been blown up by terrorists. Let's give them their 15 seconds of fame for once because they are the ones who deserve it. This world is rapidly declining with violence and tragedy and all the news cares about is what happened in Hollywood.
Instead of worshipping celebrities FACEBOOK, let's pray for the parents of the young children who have drowned at sea on the "death boats" from Syria. Let's hope that we never have to worry about dying at a concert like so many Parisians do now. Let's promise ourselves that we will never have young boys washed up onto the beaches because they were just trying to get somewhere safer and have a good life, when in reality theirs was swept away by the ocean.
I ask that Facebook and Yahoo! and every other news outlet that is not prioritizing the important things that are occurring every second in this torn up world to reevaluate themselves. Your contributions to our blindness of what is really happening has got to stop. Nobody succeeds on being lied to about the world. In order for us to survived we have to know how to stop the bad and focus on the good. Facebook and Yahoo! and all the other guilty parties, you are disgusting.
Rest in paradise to all of those innocent lives that have been lost over these past weeks. You are not forgotten. I remember you.