The crazy thing about love is that it finds people in so may different ways and forms. For some it’s a romantic, unexpected moment where they are instantly swept off their feet, but for others like me, it may have been love at first swipe.
Studies show that over 50 million people have an account on Tinder, as well as the many competing dating apps and websites that are growing in today’s world, which they check almost 11 times a day. Until recently, my boyfriend and I were too embarrassed to tell people how we met, and quite often we would find ourselves laughing when people would make comments about how nothing “real” comes from places like Tinder. We are living, breathing proof that this unsuccessful side of Tinder is not always the case.
Don’t get me wrong, downloading this app did not come from me wanting to find a potential boyfriend, nor did it come from me wanting to find a one-night hookup. I first found out about this app when my best friend mentioned it and said she had matched with some of our close friends. I did not have one at the time and thought it would be funny to try to match with them as well so we could joke around with them about it. Honestly, I did not even mean to swipe right for my current boyfriend, but I am so glad that I did. After playing with the app for around 20 minutes we decided to go back to our girl’s night and give Tinder a break. Before I knew it, my phone began to beep … it was a message.
The only problem was that he was not one of our close friends we thought we swiped for. My first reaction was to creep (don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same) and to my dismay, he was cute! I quickly responded to his message, and for the next few days, we texted back and forth but never decided on meeting or anything like that. At the end of the week I was running the indoor track at the Rec Center and stopped to stretch. I heard my name being called, so I removed my headphones, turned around and there he was. My first response was to panic, as I was sweaty from my workout and definitely not looking the way I thought I would the first time we met, but I walked over to meet him and his friends. From that day on, we were inseparable; we had our ups and downs like every couple does, but all in all, it seemed too perfect to be something that stemmed from Tinder.
Two years later, we are living together in our first apartment and I couldn’t be more in love. I hope someone reads this and doesn’t lose hope for finding love in unexpected places. Love is love, whether it be love at first sight or first swipe.
(Jordan, Thanks for sticking by my side through it all. Can’t wait to see where this world takes us, can’t imagine experiencing life with anyone else. I love you and am so glad I swiped right for you!)