Think about this, what is the longest amount of time you've went without your cell phone nearby or in hand? How many people our age could really say that they've gone a whole day or even a whole 6 hours without checking social media or shooting a text? Chances are, not many of us can say that. Technology has grown and changed in many different ways from the time we've been introduced to it. I can remember the first cell phone I ever had could only send short texts and make calls, social media was strictly confined to the computer and the thought of being able to access it on a cell phone was just crazy talk. Now here we are almost 10 years later, and my 13 year old self would be astonished at the things you can now do with a phone.
Cell phones control our lives without us even realizing, or maybe we do realize but we can't imagine our lives without them. It's crazy to think how many times per day you actually check your phone, or how many hours you spend looking at social media while you could be interacting with the real world and actual human beings. Don't get me wrong, it is such an accomplishment that our technology has came this far. However, it's a little sad to see people holding up their phones at concerts and recording them instead of taking the time to live in the moment and enjoy the music. Or how about just basic human interaction? Phones have changed the way we interact with each other all the time. Important conversations that should be discussed in person are now mentioned over text with a couple emojis and screenshots. Instead of enjoying each others company, we are now nose deep in a world of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Instead of having a conversation we are invested in games and worrying about who has more likes on their pictures.
With cell phones nothing is private anymore, everything is shared and your private life is now public. Every Saturday night out, birthday, relationship, and selfie you post. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, don't get me wrong because I am the biggest offender of this, I love to share my life with others and what a better place to do it than through my phone on social media. Sometimes I just wish that we could live in the moment instead of through tiny screens. We should all take more time to enjoy each other, our friends, family and even strangers. You could end up meeting a new friend or maybe just have good conversation with a new person. You miss out on so many potential moments while your head is in your phone. Take a day and try to enjoy life and live in the moment instead of online.