Let me start by telling you that I had the worst luck when it came to my teeth. Between a pallet expander, getting 12 teeth pulled and two rounds of braces, I have been through it all. For those of you who had braces in the past here’s a little timeline to take you back to those dark days. To those who will be getting them in the future, here’s what you should be prepared for.
About six months in advance, your orthodontist informs you that you will be getting your braces on. So, you take as many braces-less pictures as you can and eat whatever you want in excess amounts.
The day finally comes, and you’re nervous because life as you know it is basically over. After you get them on, you go home and constantly look at yourself in the mirror to try to decide if the braces made you exponentially more unattractive or not.
You practice smiling without showing your teeth while also trying to minimize the creepiness of your new smirk.
Your teeth hurt like a b**** for about a week, so you rely on Tylenol to solve all of your life problems.
You’re overly obsessive about your oral hygiene for a little while because your orthodontist tried to scare you with pictures of people’s stained teeth. Then, a few weeks later you stop caring and go back to just brushing your teeth twice a day like a normal human.
You constantly check in the mirror after you eat to make sure you don’t have any food stuck up in there...just to realize that there was an Oreo stuck between your two front teeth during your entire lunch period. Fun!
You question why you still have your braces on about a year into the process because your teeth are perfectly straight already -- "Am I being scammed?"
Finally, the day comes when you get them off, and, of course, you send pictures to everyone to remind them that the old stud is back and ready to get down to business again.
You realize, however, that it isn't all fun and games once they hand you your retainers to wear every day.
Months, even years, later family members still ask when you got your braces off because “they didn’t notice.”