Anxiety is under minded in todays world. Nobody really understands what is like to have it until you actually live with it day in and day out. Do you spend countless hours beating yourself up over every thing that happened that day regardless if you were in the wrong or not? Do you spend many nights staring at the ceiling questioning yourself if you are even going to get an hour of sleep before you have to start your day? Do you ever question when it is ever going to end? All the suffering, all the times you asked yourself if you would ever feel "yourself" again, it's time to accept that you won't ever stop suffering and you will never feel yourself again. It is time to learn how to live with it.
First, you have to learn to accept the fact that you have a problem and sadly it is not going away. It is only going to make life ten times harder. Every little thing is more horrible in your mind than reality, but those who live with anxiety live thinking their mind is their reality. You have to learn how to control your emotions. You can't loose yourself in front of just anybody. You think your crazy? Think about what the people around you think. I know it's not easy, trust me, but in the end learning to control your emotions will definitely help you out in the long run.
Second, learn to not let your anxiety hold you back. Many of us continue to beat ourselves up because we honestly don't believe in ourselves, but if you don't believe in yourself, who else is going to? When it comes down to the wire, you are the only person who is going to have your back. So learn to love yourself. Start by learning to appreciate the little things about yourself until you can learn to appreciate your big qualities. Learn to not hold yourself back from your dreams because you just don't think you can do it. You want to be a doctor? Go be a doctor. You are the only person who can push yourself and make yourself do what you have to do to accomplish your goal. All you have to do is believe in yourself, and in the end you discover that not only did you prove those who didn't believe in you wrong, but you also proved yourself wrong.
Finally, learn to know that yes there will be bad days and then there will be REALLY bad days, but eventually you will reach your good day.You have to face your demons head on to reach the end of the tunnel. Those days where you don't want to move from your bed and you would rather just lay there and cry all day for probably some reason you can't even begin to understand yourself, make yourself get up. Do not lay there and sulk all day. Find something to distract you, because I promise you that you will feel a hundred times better by the end of the day that you actually did something other than cry all day.
I know you probably think that you are the only person out there that deals with these problems, but I'm here to tell you that you definitely are not the only one. We all feel your pain and I promise we all sympathize with you, but you have to remind yourself that you are strong and tomorrow is a new day. Every bad day just means you are closer to a better one.
Stay strong my friends.