Friendship; something that everyone in this world needs. It is sad to think of the people who sit by themselves at lunch, or the people who struggle with no one around to help them. For the people who do share the gift of friendship, it is truly that; a gift.
I am not just talking about the average old acquaintance you see from time to time, say hello to, and occasionally will have a drink with. I am talking about someone who will be there for you forever. But what constitutes a true friend? A true friends listens to any problems you might have. A true friend comforts you when you need it the most. A true friend never turns their back on you when you least expect it. But most importantly, a true friend is someone who, no matter the circumstances, will be by your side until the end.
However, a friend is also someone who you can hate the most at times. For anyone who has a best friend, you know better than anyone else what really drives them crazy. The same goes for them knowing what makes you go insane. Whether it is a word you cannot stand or something someone does, your best friend knows it. I myself find that I will use my knowledge of my best friends to my advantage to get a laugh every now and then. It just so happens that they do the same thing to me. Although, it is really only funny when it is not you being annoyed.
Going even further into the subject, how do we decide who these friends are? Over time, certain situations which will come up in your life, and you will have no problem seeing who is really there for you. You'll see who is worth taking on your journey through life. Nothing is greater than the feeling of having that one person who you can tell everything to, do everything with, and share everything you have without a fear of them stealing it away from you.
More so, college in particular is where you will find out who your true friends are. Being away from home and not seeing your old friends every day will really show who is still there for you when you get back. Some friends who you thought you could not live without could be the first ones to desert you and move on. On the other hand, the people who you thought you would not get past a daily hello with, could go on to be the lifelong person who you cannot live without. It may seem strange, but it's funny how life works. Not everything may seem clear now, but looking back on it when you are older is when it will really hit you and make sense.
Friendship is important to have for another reason. If a friend knows you well enough, they can tell if something is bothering you without you saying anything at all. For instance, if you see your friend sitting quietly in the corner when you know normally they would be talking your ear off, you are probably going to think that something is wrong. In addition, sometimes we need help with the very things which make us sit quietly in the corner, but we will not ask our friends for help. Maybe we do not wish to burden them, or maybe we wish to not sound as if we are complaining. Whatever the reason may be, that is what friends are for. They can make personal struggles easier to overcome. Just like they know how to annoy you better than anyone else, they know what cheers you up, and what makes you happy better than anyone else. Even if we push them away, they will persevere to see us happy at all costs, because they cannot stand to see us upset. It is this, a true friend, which is not only what everyone wants, needs, and dreams of, but is also hard to come by.