Benjamin Franklin once said that “a false friend and a shadow only attend only when the sun shines”.
So where are your friends when the sun shines?
Friends come and go throughout our lives. But they still make that impression, that impact.
That’s why I think that it so important to have a true friend. A loyal friend. Someone that you can be a true self with, someone that beacons to you like a light upon the shore.
Inspirational Writer William Arthur Ward goes on to state, “a true friend knows your weaknesses but shows your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities”.
When we are younger it is easier to imagine, how easy it must be to find a true friend. I don’t know about you but as you get older it can almost seem like an impossibility.
I can remember a time from when I was younger I would always recite this quote from Dr. Seuss that says, “to the world you may be one person, but to a person, you may be the whole world.”
The world that we live in it is so easy to be betrayed or to fall out of friendships. But its always nice to know that you have that one person that you can count on. That there is that one person you can talk all your troubles through with. That there is that one person that always has your back.
There have been times in my life and I’m sure that there have been times in yours where it seems like a true friend would be an improbability. But just remember that theirs is someone out there that is searching just like you, for a friend that is in the words of Dr. Seuss “ truer than true”.